Halloween : Part #2

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A shudder ran down your spine as another loud clap of thunder rattled the whole house. For some reason even with Rin's arms strongly held against you, you were still scared of the storm outside. He must have felt the fear that washed over you at the last clap because his lips pressed to your forehead in an attempt to calm you. "I'm right here. No need to be afraid." His words did calm you a little but you waited in anticipation for the next clap of thunder.

The storm died down for a little and you and Rin resumed regular positions. You resting your head on his lap and him stroking his fingers through your hair. The movie on the television did nothing but creep you out but with Rin there you knew you would be able to handle it. Honestly, you couldn't even figure out the plot of the movie. Just another demon possession again. Once in awhile there would be a jump scare and you would bury your face into Rin. He would just laugh and make fun of you for getting scared of something like that.

The movie ended and another you had picked out instantly started playing on the screen. You moved so you were facing Rin, his eyes scanning your face for any sense of tiredness. He smiled as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to your nose. "Do you want to stay the night?" You whispered as you pulled him down by his shirt to press your lips to his. He simply nodded as a response. The last thing on both of your minds was if the other was staying or going. You both knew the answer.

Things got heated quickly and before you knew Rin was between your legs, teasing you to your breaking point. His soft lips caressed your thighs, gently nipping everyone in awhile. Even though the storm began raging outside again you barely noticed. He pressed a kiss to your still covered heat and then...


The whole room went completely dark. The tv buzzed off into silence. You immediately backed away from the situation, searching frantically for your shirt. That was until you already felt a shirt being put on your body. It smelt like Rin and you knew automatically that he had taken it off for your sake. "Thank you." He mumbled his response before getting off the couch. You could barely see his shape in the darkness. "I'll go get some candles. You'll be okay staying here right?" You nodded. It was pointless seeing as only you could really know you were doing it. Then he was off and you were left with only the sound of the thunder and Rin rummaging through cabinets.

20 minutes. You still heard him, but it had been 30 minutes since he went off to find candles. It was a small apartment it couldn't take that long. "Rin?" You called from the living room.
No response.
"C'mon Rin! That so isn't funny!"
Still no response.
You couldn't help it but fear soaked into your bones the moment you even started to speak into the darkness. You really didn't want to stand up from your current position but you were scared and as soon as you felt the warm skin if your boyfriend you would feel at ease. Although he was playing a dirty trick on you at the moment.

"Rin?" You called as you stepped into the kitchen. Every single drawer was open but there was no sigh off him. One single candle had been lit in the kitchen. That was the only safety you found in the room. Your small hands coiled around it and you found your way around the rest of the apartment. No sign of him anywhere. By now there were a few tears falling from your eyes.
He knew.
He knew how terrified of the dark you were. And especially how scared you got when it was dark and you were alone. The creak of the floor boards behind you startled from your thought. You turned around and immediately bumped into a stiff body. A shriek of terror released from your lips unintentionally.
"Hey, Y/N. It's okay. Are you okay? Whats wrong?"
His words came out smoothly as if he didn't know he had just played the stupidest and the most unfair trick on you. "Fuck you, Rin. You left me alone for thirty minutes and then when I called for you you didn't say anything!" You tried to sound threatening but between your sobs you probably sounded rather pathetic.
Even though you were raging mad, his embrace heated you to the core. You couldn't help but melt into his chest, hands grasping at the back of his shirt. "I was down in the basement looking for batteries. I couldn't hear you.." He mumbled into your hair.

It was impossible to stay mad when he was being so considerate. After your tears stopped falling he picked your head up with his finger and pressed a ginger kiss to your lips. "C'mon let's go to bed instead. We can finish everything tomorrow." You smiled and took his hand in yours.
"I love you.." You mumbled against his lips as soon as you got comfortable. "I love you too.."
Before you were about to drift asleep you heard him out a soft sigh.

"By the way, you look cute when you're scared."
"Get out of the bed."
The last thing you heard that night was a soft chuckle as he turned his back on you for the night.

Another chapter will be up today.
To make up for yesterday.
Is everyone excited for Halloween?

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