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It started out as a normal day. The sun shone brightly through the windows for a change. Instead of being greeted by the same darkness he fell asleep in merely hours before, he was surprised by the sun seeping through the blinds. The time change the night before had not only granted him this, but also allowed him to rest an extra hour than expected.

Well, not rest. More like have an extra hour to study.

Rei's hand reached out from under the covers and searched the bed side table for any hint of his phone or glasses. Placing his specs on his face he easily found his phone after. Even now, at 6 in the morning his phone lit up with messages from her.
"I hope you're awake, sleepy head. Today is our exam. Also, date night! Stay at home with movies? Or dinner?"
He truly was happy about her being the first thing he saw in the morning, because if he saw the other messages first he would be in way worse shape. After backing out of her screen he scrolled through the rest of the messages he had received the night before. Some nice, like Nagisa wishing him luck on his exams. And Makoto reminding him that swim practice started again next week.
These texts were the things that he strived for. Lived for really. The constant appreciation of his friends. It was the only thing that kept him going.
But if there was something that kept him strong, there had to be something that torn him down. And he stared it in the face every morning. Texts from a few unknown numbers texted him constantly.
"You're worthless."
"You fucking four eyed freak."
"Why don't you just get homeschooled? God knows you don't have friends."
And the worst of all:
"Y/N deserves better."
And it was true. She did deserve way better than him. Half the time he was too concealed in his work to even notice that she was still there. Sometimes he would forget to text her for days at a time. Forget to say hello to her in the halls. Go to the library instead of spending a few measly minutes with her. And worst of all he cancelled every single date night she planned.
But she always came back.
"I understand, you're working really hard. Keep fighting!" She would say. It warmed his heart in the same way that it destroyed him.
She deserved better.

That was why today was the day he broke it off. He couldn't continue to hurt her. In the back of his mind he knew she would take it like a champ. But he couldn't bear to think if she didn't. She was precious to him and he couldn't even think about hurting her. More than he already had at least. He gathered his stuff for school and made his way out.
Like everyday he was greeted by the two smiling faces he liked to see the most. Nagisa and Y/N stood at the end of the street, arms linked together. Their smiles combined probably shone bright enough that they could attract aliens to the light source. Like everyday, Y/N came darting at him to quickly wrap her arms around him in the warmest hug the girl could possibly manage. She would always say that hugging him that hard made her arms hurt but she did it only for him to feel better.
She was a saint.

And then he realized that today would be the last day he saw that smile in the morning, or felt the tightness and warmth of her body being pressed to his. In an attempt to make it last, for once, he actually hugged her back.

The school day was exactly as he thought it would be. Exams, hurtful words, and a girl that full fledged loved him to death. "Rei! I'm feeling movies. We can cuddle up and maybe take a nap. Sound good?" She had greeted him in the hall on the way to her class. Along with the most pure kiss. It made every fiber in his body tingle. This would be another last for the two. And she had no clue it was even coming. That bright little flame in her eyes would soon be diminished, and he hated to say it, but it would be all this fault. "Yeah. Go home, grab your stuff and come directly to my place. Okay?" His lips tugged into the fakest smile the blue haired male could manage. There were no room for other words, the look on her face said exactly how she felt.
Overjoyed, would probably be a good word for it. Her lips found his once again, and then she was off. Ordinarily his heart would be beating at the sped of light but today, the constant thumping only seemed to die a little.

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