They Make You Insecure

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Haru: Today was the day he and his s/o were supposed to be going out for dinner. Haru had decided this when he noticed they hadn't gone on a date for three months. He didn't find it necessary seeing as they now lived together. As his s/o walked down the steps he rolled his eyes. They knew how much he hated when they wore short dresses, and there they were wearing the shortest one they owned. "Are you seriously going to wear that?" He said as he looked them over once again. His s/o looked over their clothing with a frown. "Whats wrong with it?" He sighed again. "Nothing lets go." Haru turned his back on them, and began walking to the door. He could hear his partners footsteps walking back to the staircase instead of walking with him. Their bedroom door could be heard being slammed from downstairs. Haru walked up and knocked. "Look I'm sorry, you look great." They scoffed from behind the door. "No, I don't. I could tell from the way you rolled your eyes that I don't. Whatever. We don't need to go out if its too hard for you to be happy." They reopened the door dressed down in sweatpants. Haru sighed and recollected them into his arms. "I'm sorry if i made you feel bad. Its just when you wear dresses like that, boys stare at you, and I hate it." They looked up at Haru, and smiled. "So, you get jealous?" He looked away as he nodded. If he had said that in the beginning their wouldnt have been such a fuss. His partner retreated back into the room and changed into something else. "All you had to do was say that, Haru." They shared a kiss, before walking out of the house and to the restaurant.

Nagisa: His partner laid out on the couch, their hair put up into one of those buns. It seemed like everyday his partner wouldn't do anything with their hair but much rather just threw it up, giving it no attention at all. Secretly Nagisa liked when his s/o wore their hair down, or braided it. Basically he liked it whenever it wasn't in that stupid bun. "Hey babe." He said as he laid on top of her on the couch. He buried his head into her neck, his hands gently moving up to undo the knots the hair tie had out in her hair. Her hands shot up in protest. "What are you doing?" Nagisa's hands fell and a frown coated his face. "I'm sorry I just really don't like it like that. Her eyes scanned his face and before he knew it she was trying to find a way out from under his body. He had offended her and he didn't even mean too. She finally managed to worm her way out, immediately going to the stairs. "Thanks for your opinion.." She blatantly stated as she paraded upstairs.
For the next couple days she wore her hair down, and even after a few weeks he didn't see the bun. He was happy his words got to her, but at the same time he felt bad for making her do such a thing.

Makoto: "Come on babe." He pulled his partner towards the doors of their bedroom. It had been three weeks since the last time they had sex. Makota saw nothing of it, but he was dying for the chance to get his s/o back in bed. Last time they did it Makoto had made some statements that made them insecure to even lift their shirt in front of the other. Makoto could tell that his partner was being hesitant. Only taking of his clothes, not wanting to actually have sex. They even said at one point they would prefer giving him oral instead of actually participating in the act. He knew something was up when they said that. Makoto took a seat on the bed next to his partner and stared at them directly. "Is something wrong?" His partners eyes scanned the room, trying to avoid any contact with him. With a little pushing he managed to get his s/o to speak up about it. They explained how insecure he had made them feel and how they didn't want to do anything in fear of him saying it again. Makoto had never planned to do such a thing and he felt so bad. It was just when they got intimate things slipped out of his mouth. This time he happened to take it too far. His long arms wrapped around his s/o where they stayed for the rest of the night. They dropped the act and spent the night, close to each other with Makoto reassuring them that everything about them was beautiful.

Rei: "Its whatever Rei, I guess it doesn't matter." Rei's significant other stood in front of the mirror putting in their contacts. They had been hurting them for the past couple of days, but Rei had made it a point to make fun of them for their glasses at every chance he got. They knew he was kidding but it still got to them. Rei tried to tell them that they looked better in whatever but his partner wasn't having it. "You know Rei, me wearing glasses is no different than you doing it. I don't see why you had to bring it up in the first place.." His partner continued to hound him on it for the next couple of days until the constant apologies became annoying. To this day he still doesn't say jokes when his s/o wears their glasses just in case of hitting another nerve.

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