Chapter 24:Friends Are Obligated To Protect...

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(A/N) to be honest I get really sad when I dont hear fedback from you guys!  If you like the story vote/comment/fan! Do something dont be a silent reader!  I have written so many more chapters that I havent posted because A. I want my chapters to reach a certain amount before I update it and B. I dont really know if you like it or not...I think I wont update again until I get off for Christmas Break in a week and half until then please please please with sugar on top of a Harry sundae vote/comment/fan!

Love you babes!



We were able to get on the London Eye almost right away. The six of us decided to only use one capsule. Izzy and I couldn’t believe what we were seeing the London skyline at night time was absolutely breathtaking. I couldn’t believe I was in London with my best friend and my boyfriend.

The ride seemed to pass too quickly. Harry had his arms wrapped around my waist and pointed out different things in the distance. Everything was so beautiful and was even more beautiful than the New York skyline. When it came time for us to exit the pod Izzy and I were sitting on the bench in the middle talking when all of a sudden she stopped talking and pointed to a crowd of people with cell phones out taking pictures.


“Yeah, babe what is it?”

“Look…” I pointed out at the crowed with a shaky hand.

He looked down at the ground and the smile disappeared from his face. “Niall, mate you better see this.”

Niall looked out to the crowd and swore. Liam had joined the boys by the wall and the lights from the cameras were going crazy. Izzy laid her head on my shoulder and pulled out her phone.

I smoothed out her hair trying to calm her as best that I could in this situation that is so foreign to both of us. Talia came over to sit on the other side of me and looked at Izzy and me. “Smile. Don’t let them know that this is getting to you.” Izzy lifted her head off of my shoulder and attempted to smile. “The more you let them effect you the more it will tear you apart. And don’t worry the boys won’t let anything happen to you.”

I nodded my head and looked over at Harry, Niall, and Liam who were all hunched over a phone. “How did they even know we were here?”

“Harry you need to calm down it doesn’t matter how they found out. What matters is that they found out and are here now.”

“Alright Liam so how do we get out of here?”, Niall asked with a pained expression on his face.

Harry and Niall looked over at us and all I could bring myself to do was give him a weak smile. “Don’t worry I called Paul he should be here soon but until then everyone just needs to stay calm.” Talia stood up beside me and went to stand by Liam wrapping her hand around his arm.

Harry walked back over to me and took my hand leading me to the opposite side of the capsule. Holding my hand he looked out the glass. “Harry.”


“I just want to thank you for this amazing evening. I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.” I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him.

When we broke apart he smiled down at me and bent down to whisper in my ear, “Why did you stop kissing me?”

I started laughing, “Harry there are thousands of girls out there watching our every move! I am not going to stand here and make out with you.”

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