Chapter 40: In A Fight Between...

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“What are you talking about Harry?”

“I really don’t know how to say this.” He stopped talking as I continued to hold my breath waiting for Harry to tell me what was going on.

After a couple of more moments I yelled into the phone, “Just tell me already!  It can’t possibly be that bad.”

“Just promise me you won’t be to upset with me.”

“Okay I promise.  Now just tell me!”

After another pause Harry slowly said, “I…I can’t…go to your graduation…”

I didn’t say anything instead I just put my phone onto the counter and walked over to my jar of Nutella picked it up and walked out of the kitchen without a second glance at my phone.  As I was making my way up the stairs I could feel the tears coming streaming out of my eyes and onto my cheeks. 

Harry’s POV

I slowly muttered, “I…I can’t…go to your graduation…”  Ella didn’t say anything.  In fact I couldn’t hear anything from her side of the phone.  “Ella? Ella! Please say something! I’m really sorry Ella!”  She still didn’t say anything.  “Ella, please talk to me.” “


“Mrs. Poore!  Where is Ella?”

“She went up to her room Harry.  What happened?”

“I can’t go to her graduation.”

There was a pause as if Mrs. Poore was calculating what to say. “Well than Harry that explains it all.”

“Is she really that upset about it?”

“Knowing her.  Yes.  I wish it wasn’t the case but it is.” She paused for a moment. 

“I really am sorry Mrs. Poore.”

“I’m sure you are Harry.  But you also right now need to remember that she has been counting down the days until she was going to be able to see you.”

“I know.” 

“For right now Harry you just need to give her some space to sort out how she feels.”  I started nodding even though I knew she wasn’t able to see me.  “Harry I would love to stay on the phone and talk to you but I feel like I should go and check on my daughter.”

“Okay. I really am sorry Mrs. Poore.”

“I know you are Harry.”

“Will you tell her that I still love her and that when she wants to talk that um I...”

“Of course Harry.  Now what you really need to do is go back to work.  Good luck with your rehearsals.” 

The line disconnected and I was left just staring at my phone hoping that Ella would call me soon.

Ella POV

Two whole days had passed since I had last talked to Harry.  I had been avoiding him and the rest of the boys like the plague.  Harry had sent me over twenty texts today alone.  Each of them said different things from, ’I love you’ to ’call me please’. He had even gone to having all of the boys call me and even Talia.

When Talia had called me she didn’t once mention Harry all she said was that two tickets were being bought for Izzy and I to go to New York after graduation for a week.

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