Chapter 4:If You Just Met A Guy And Know Nothing About Him...

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(A/N) hola! Bonjour! Hello! please enjoy chapter 4 its my longest one yet! please tell your friends, family, loved ones, random people on the street, whoever about this story! The support I have gotten already is crazy people are so sweet! So I am going to stop talking like I know what I am talking about because half the time I don't. In fact when its time to make a hard choice I flip a coin and do what the coin tells me to do! ;D

Oh I dedicated this chapter to @JustLIttleAlyssa because I love her stories and you should too!

much love babes,


Girl Rule 4:

If you just met a guy and know absolutely nothing about him, but need to refer to him during ‘girl talk’ you use one example of who he is, something he has, or what he does, and he becomes… that guy.

(Ex. “The Camaro guy”, “The Trainer dude”, “The Four a.m. in the Taxi Guy”)

It’s easy to say that when the movie credits began to role I was bawling my eyes out. Athena being the cold hearted bitch that I loved didn’t cry, she did cry when Cato died in the Hunger Games, so she wasn’t completely heartless. I was almost too engrossed with the credits to notice when Harry and his four friends stood up to slip out of the theater. They had all pulled hoods, hats, and sunglasses on. Where did they think they were?

We sat there laughing and talking about our favorite moments from the movie and how we see each saw different characters that reminded us of each other. Looking behind us I saw everyone had cleared the theater so all three of us stood to leave still laughing when Izzy shouted out, “I’m hungry!” Athena and I started laughing like that was the funniest thing we had ever heard come out of our best friends mouth.

“You’re in luck we can go to the grocery store!” Izzy did a happy dance as we stepped onto the escalator. “Hey Athena, did you hear back from your parents about spending the night at my place? If so do we need to run by your house to pick up your shit?” Athena’s parents were always the last to give permission for sleepover, but she was always the most egger for them.

“Well I haven’t heard from my mom yet, but can we still run by my place to get my stuff. I’m positive that they will be cool with it; my mom does trust your family and everything.” Our usual routine was to spend an hour at Athena’s house while we waited to get permission for the night.

“You got it babe! Just as long as we don’t end up spending two hours there like last time!” Wow that came out louder than I wanted it to. Athena and Izzy laughed and nodded. They both understood that the longer we waited at Athena’s house the longer we would have to wait till the real fun would start.

I started digging in my Coach purse for my car keys. There was nothing I loved more than my Coach purses or my Betsey Johnson heels. I was always with one of those two items. My purse was full of lip gloss and loose change finding my car keys would take a good five minutes. We all kept laughing all the way down the escalator at the ridiculous things that kept being said between us all. Most of the things that were said had to do with the annoying boys who sat in front of us during the movie. When we stepped off the escalator I heard Izzy say, “Ella that guy we saw you with outside the theater. Mind explaining what was up with that?” I could always count on Izzy to bring Harry back up right as I had finally been able to block him out of my thoughts.

“Ya Ella you guys looked really friendly for not having known each other at all. I didn’t know you had it in you!”

I dropped my purse as soon as the last word came out of her mouth did Athena really just say that?! Looking down I saw that all the contents of my purse had gone spilling out. “Well shit! Thanks guys. Help me pick it up because I’m driving you places and letting you spend the night at my house…again.” I looked up from picking up my shit to see Harry and his four friends standing not even ten feet away laughing at my bad luck. I froze not wanting to embarrass myself even more. Athena noticed that I had stopped picking stuff up and looked up.

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