Chapter 9: Always Leave A Man Wanting More But Dont Leave Him Guessing...

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(A/N) HELLO BABES! I hope all is well in your life and if im not then you and I can get together and eat some icecream and cry about it!  Right Well I hope you enjoy this chapter my lovlies and I am currently working on the next on so if I finish it today I may post it! May we shall see!  Because I am ordering in food tonight while loved ones go out and "have fun" if thats even possible at work parties.  Right i am going to stop talking now and let you read now! Thanks and tell your loved ones and people on the street about this story! And if you dont mind could yall tell me how you found out about this story and if someone told you about it tell me who it was! THANKS!

Oh and if anyone wants to talk message me I am doing nothing all day!



Waking up the next morning I looked around just like I had the morning before the only thing that was different was that Athena and Izzy weren’t in my room sleeping still. Grabbing my iPod and going to my morning playlist ‘Liv it Up (Teenage Wasteland)’ by Alexander Ludwig stared playing so I dragged myself up out of bed and walked to my bathroom glanced into the mirror while putting my contacts in and saw a sticky note attached to my face. ‘Bitch since you were sleeping Izzy and I decided to go pick up breakfast! You’re welcome!’ I pulled the note off and laughed at it typical Athena leaving notes that both insulted me and were doing nice things at the same time. Washing my face I threw on some spandex shorts and a bright green sports bra and pranced down stairs into the kitchen.

My mom was in the kitchen making coffee. “Oh is that coffee fresh?”

“Yes, do you want some?”

“Yes please! Any clue where Izzy and Athena went?” I didn’t have to wait for an answer because the front door slammed shut.

They walked into the kitchen holding three cups of coffee and donuts. “Well look who finally decided to get up.”

“Oh shut up Athena y’all didn’t even try waking me up this morning. Now hand over the coffee and donuts and no one will get hurt!” I said smiling at the end.

“Fine here you go. Oh by the way the boys have invited us to go and hang out with them today, you game?” Sipping on my coffee I nodded my head absente mindedly Athena squealed. “Perfect go get dressed the boys are expecting us in an hour!” She said yanking my coffee out of my hand and pushing me back to my room to change.

I put on my red one shouldered romper that I had gotten for my birthday gift last year matching it with some nude pumps I threw my hair into a high pony tail and I was ready to go. After returning to the kitchen to hear Athena and Izzy talking to my mom about college I picked up my coffee and continued to drink it while Athena gave me a look over approving of my outfit. She picked up my car keys and we were off to the boys hotel for a day full of fun and most certainly interesting things.

*30 minutes later*

Knocking on the door to the suite number they told us we were immediately greeted by Harry coming up to greet us while Louis and Liam were arguing over something in the corner, Niall complaining about how hungry he was, and Zayn who was sitting there laughing at the commotion going on around him. Harry pulled me into a hug smiling then turned to face Athena, “I thought you were going to text me when you got here. People aren’t supposed to be able to get on this floor without a room key.”

“Well clearly that’s not working because these really nice 13 year old girls helped us get up here.”

“Yea but don’t worry they don’t know what room you’re in just what floor you’re on.”

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