Chapter 15: When A Friend Is Drunk

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Getting to a tent with a volunteer in front of it I pulled lightly on Harry’s hair, “Babe what are we doing here?”

“Getting food and picking up Zayn and Louis I am pretty sure this is where they have been all day.”

I laughed and Harry gave our names to the person who checked them off of the list. We walked in and Harry set me down on the ground taking my hand and giving it a light squeeze. I smiled up at him and saw Zayn sitting alone at the bar in the corner. I let go of Harry’s hand and walked over to Zayn.

I got to the bar and saw a glass of whiskey sitting in front of him. I lightly tapped him on the shoulder and sat down, “Hey Zayn.” I gave him a warm smile but all he could do was barely lift his head and look at me.

He started shaking his head and laughed quietly to himself. “Ella, why is she doing this?”

“Zayn who and what are you talking about?”


I lightly touched his hand and said, “Zayn, I honestly don’t know what’s gotten into her recently and if I had any idea I would tell you. I swear!”

“No you wouldn’t I have seen the way you two give secret messages to each other without saying a single word. You two seem to have conversations just by the looks you give each other.”

Sure Athena and I have had conversations just by sending looks at one another but we didn’t do it too often did we?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Zayn started talking again, “She just all of a sudden got mad at me during the game yesterday and I just don’t know why! It was after we got mobbed by those fans and when we got back she wouldn’t make eye contact with me the rest of the game.”

That could explain a little of what was going on with Athena but it didn’t explain everything. I looked at Zayn and couldn’t think of anything that I could possibly say to him about Athena that would make him feel better but I couldn’t just sit there and let him wallow in self-pity. “Zayn-”

“Ella, stop trying to make excuses for her!” He snapped at me.

That was it I could put up with Athena’s shit just fine but I was just not going to stand for Zayn’s at this time a place. “Fine Zayn I will leave you here to get drunk but just so you know Athena doesn’t let just anyone very close so don’t fuck it up with her. I know she can be a bitch sometimes but give her a chance to calm down then try talking to her. Oh and if you think she is a bitch right now then just you wait till you see me if you fuck her over.” With that I stood up and walked away to find Harry and the others.

When Harry saw me he waved me over to where he, Niall, Liam, and Louis were sitting and eating I walked quickly over to them and stood behind Harry’s chair and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

He pulled me onto his lap and smiled at me, “What was that for?”

“It was a thank you silly. You are very sweet and not sitting in a corner drinking and not talking about your problems then blaming people who are trying to help them and-”

“Ella calm down, now take breath.” I did as Liam instructed. “Good now would you care to start over?”

I looked at all the boys who at this point all thought I had gone mentally insane. “No I was just venting. I feel better now.”

“Are you sure?” Niall asked with a concerned look on his face.

“Yea Niall I am good.” I stood up from the table, at this point I needed to be alone for a moment to gather the rest of my thoughts about Zayn and Athena but at this point I just wanted be alone, “I’m going to go the 18th green to see what Athena is up to.”

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