Chapter 19: You Will Always Have Your Best Mates 'Back'...

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What had occurred at the party had spread like wildfire throughout the entire school. Izzy and I had received so many calls and texts from people on Sunday that we were forced to turn off our phones to try and get away from all the people asking about Athena. We didn’t want to push her into telling us so we didn’t instead we sat and watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith three times in a row, without saying anything.

It took all of Sunday afternoon to get Athena to finally tell us about what had happened with Drew.  She would start crying and shaking whenever someone touched her.  All Izzy and I could do was sit there and watch as all the happiness was drained completely out of our friend, until there was nothing but the shell of the once happy and vibrant girl we loved.

Harry and Niall had stopped by the next day to check on Athena.  Everything was going fine with the boys until Niall threw his arm around Izzy’s shoulder and Athena burst out crying and ran from the room.

“What just happened?”

Izzy and I made eye contact and shrugged.  “No clue Niall but you didn’t do anything wrong she is just really on edge still.”  I replied to him but got up to go find Athena.

I walked all the way to my room where she was huddled on the floor crying.  I sank down next to her and wrapped my arms around her and just held her until she stopped crying.

“Why did this happen, Ella?” Athena cried at the top of her lungs.

Tears gathered in my eyes and all I could do to keep them from falling over was whisper, “I don’t know sweetie but everything happens for a reason and maybe it was for the best that it happened.”

Athena shot out of my arms and screamed, “WHEN IS MY BOYFRIEND TRYING TO RAPE ME A GOOD THING?!”

My hands flew to my mouth as Athena cried out in pain. “He did what Athena?!”

Izzy came rushing into my room with Niall and Harry right on her heels.  “What is going on why is everyone screaming?”  Izzy asked looking back and forth between Athena and me.

I gave Athena a pointed look so she knew I meant exactly what I was about to say, “You want to tell them or should I?  Either way they are going to find out, so pick your poison.”

“Ella I don’t want them knowing!”

“Bullshit Athena you are going to fucking tell them!  What he did was wrong and he deserves to be hit or arrested!”

Harry looked at me with worry in his eyes; he had never seen me act like this, when he spoke up, “Ella what is going on?”

“Harry last night Athena was-”

“Wait Ella, I’ll tell them! Just please stop talking!” I nodded my head and waved her on to continue.  She drew in a small shaky breath looked at the ground then back at us and nodded her head as she started telling us what had happened, “Last night Drew had been drinking a lot and we had been dancing, having fun.  While we were dancing he grabbed hold of waist really tightly and pulled me against him, when I tried to pull away he only grabbed onto me tighter. I was finally able to wiggle my way out of his grasp and started to walk away trying to get away from him.  I didn’t know he was following me until I got away from everyone and all of a sudden my back was thrown against the wall.  It hurt so much but I wasn’t able to scream because Drew had placed his mouth against mine; someone walked by us, I remember that, but they didn’t stop and help me instead they hooted and hollered and were telling us to get a room.  Drew pulled away from me for a moment then dragged me down the hallway to a room where he closed the door and pushed me against the bed ripping my dress in the process.  He climbed on top of me as I was squirming underneath him trying to get away. I closed my eyes and prayed that Drew would stop but he didn’t.  When he wasn’t kissing me I screamed as loud as I possibly could and hoped that someone would hear me and would come save me.  It seemed to work because the next thing I knew I was being lifted off the bed and carried from the room.  I didn’t open my eyes until I felt the cool night breeze against my skin and that’s when I came face to face with Zayn.  I cried out with joy and started crying as I held on to him until you came running out and that’s all I remember from last night.”  Athena stopped and looked at us. 

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