Chapter 2: A Best Friend Is One Who Shares The Same Enemy

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(A/N) Hey! so if your reading this thanks a ton! but I would love you even more if you shared this story with friends, family, enemy's, or just whoever. Thanks a ton babes! ;P



Getting to the mall was one thing but finding a parking space was something completely different. I hated living in a city that was voted one of the worst places to go for a family vacation but one of the best places for shopping. Everyone was always at the mall and unless you got there crazy early before anything opens or so late that everyone else has gone home that the shops are closed, you would never find a parking spot.

Driving around the mall parking lot for 5 minutes was the biggest pain in the ass but we finally Athena yelled from the back seat, “Ellie! Spot!” I looked up to see exactly where she was talking about and as soon as I laid eyes on it I speed towards it so no one else could take the spot. I pulled into the spot like the bad ass driver that I am, with minimal laughter from my two best friends because I had put on my serious driving face. Grabbing my keys we all hopped out of the car still laughing from Izzy doing her best impersonation of me, which was actually quite good. My good mood was ruined the moment that out of the corner of my eye I saw a bright red jeep that look exactly like the one next to Izzy and me earlier. As they drove by I looked to the jeep and I recognized the passenger with brown curly hair and deep brooding green eyes staring out the window with an angry look on his face. As he and his friend drove off, to find another spot, I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head like he was trying to memorize what I looked like.

We got to the theater with our candy and sodas just in time for the previews to start. I always hated missing the previews they were my favorite part of the whole movie going experience. The movies they previewed this time didn’t look very good one was about an alien that was trying to take over the world and the other was about a boy who tried to reanimate his dead dog, both looked extremely boring and had already been done. As the movie was starting, Athena, Izzy, and I were giggling like fools for seeing a children’s movie again when five teenage boys sat down in the row in front of us. After only twenty minutes into the movie one of the five boys started to make inappropriate jokes and throw stuff at the screen. We all tried to ignore him but after another ten minutes of him acting like a 5 year old he pulled his phone out and started to take a photo of me. It didn’t talk long before I realized what he was doing and for a laugh I gave him the one finger salute. After looking at the photo he took of me he laughed annoyingly loud and showed it to the two boys sitting next to him, one had longer straight brown hair that was gelled to the side and the other one had bleached blond hair that was sticking up everywhere, they also started to laugh at the photo which just pissed me off even more. I was finally able to drown them out after making a couple inappropriate jokes about them to Izzy and Athena I was able to enjoy the movie. Well that was until I had finished my popcorn and Izzy had eaten most of my M&M’s so I got up and went to get more candy but upon my exit from the theater I decided to kick the boy who took my pictures chair rather hard. I smiled as all five boys whipped around in their seats to stare at me as I walked off, leaving Izzy and Athena to sit there and laugh.

When I got in line to get my new candy and a soda for Athena I heard deep British voice behind me say, “You know it’s not nice to kick people’s chairs while they are trying to enjoy the film.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing this guy had to be shitting me, right?! Without even turning around I yelled, “And did your mother ever tell you it’s not nice to take pictures of girls without their permission? Let alone stalk them?” As soon as the words went flying out of my mouth I whipped around to face the boy. I gasped as soon as I came face to face with the boy and it was none other than curly haired boy from earlier in the day. “You have got to be kidding me three times in one day! Cant a girl get a break from annoying assholes for even a moment?!” He starts to laugh as he recognizes me.

“Sorry love. Didn’t know it was you any of the times. But you know it’s not nice to cut people off in a crowed parking garage. Or to kick peoples chairs.” My god he had an amazing voice and for some reason I recognized if from somewhere but I just could tell where. It was just the way he said love that really made me think I knew him from somewhere.

“Are you kidding me?! You started all of this ‘drama’ you talked during the first ten minutes of the movie and then you pulled out your phone to take a picture of me and continued to show it to your friends and they laughed! I feel no need to apologize for kicking your chair when you were being a pompous ass! And it’s not my fault you pulled into the garage after me and didn’t see the spot or is it that your friend just sucks at driving?” I was starting to get really pissed off and I could feel other people stop to watch us argue but at this point I just didn’t care.

The guy behind the candy counter yelled, “Ella if you and your friend can’t handle your problems quietly then I am going to have to ask y’all to leave and it won’t be pretty!” Curly haired boy looked over my shoulder at the family friend of mine who yelled that at us and laughed.

Whipping around to see that I was next in line I stepped up to the counter. “Sorry about that it won’t happen again I promise.” He knew my promise was good but he also knew that if the curly haired boy continued to piss me off I wouldn’t stop at yelling at him but I would eventually throw a punch or kick just to show him off. “Ok Mathew, I don’t want to miss anymore of the movie so can I have a medium diet coke, plain M&M’s, and one small popcorn. And stop judging me I’m here with Izzy and Athena and they keep eating all the food!”

“You got it Ellie! That will be $19.65.” Just as I started to pull out my wallet to hand him a twenty the curly haired boy steps up in front of me just completely cutting me off from the counter.

“I’ll be having a large coke, and I’ll be -”

I officially lost my cool. I didn’t care who else heard me but I was not going to take any more of this guy’s shit. “My god you have got to be kidding me! I haven’t paid or gotten my stuff! You can’t come barging up here and demand you be served while I’m still being helped!”

“Well love I was going to pay for you beverages too sort of as a peace offering but if you don’t want to I guess I won’t.”

Who was I to ever really pass up free stuff even if I didn’t want to accept his crappy apology, no matter how cute his smile was. I grabbed all my stuff throwing my M&M’s into my purse and walked off.

Just as I was opening the door to go back into the movie I felt a hand grab my arm acting on reflexes I dropped the drink in my hand grabbed the arm holding onto me and whipped the person in front of me slamming them into the door.

“WHAT THE FUCK! Why did you grab me like that I was just trying to give you your popcorn that you left! No need to go karate kid on me.” It was Curly, his name since I didn’t actually know what his name was.

“My god I am so sorry! I didn’t know it was you, but really you should never grab a girl from behind. Even if your only grabbing onto her arm. By the way I’m Ellie.”

“Hello Ella and sorry about grabbing your arm I did know you would freak out like that. Oh and by the way I’m Harry.”

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