Chapter 44: If A Girl Looks...

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“You know what I don’t understand?”

“There is no telling babe.”

I placed my drink back onto the small table next to my chair and stood up.  I stared at Harry and the rest of my friends with my hands on my hips.  “Styles, none of your sass,” he raised his hands in his defense and took a swig of his beer.   “Well like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I don’t understand how all of your fans haven’t figured out where we are.”

Izzy lowered her sunglasses and stared at me, “Isn’t that a good thing Ella?”

“Well yes but I’m only saying that someone in the airport probably took pictures and videos of us, so where are those?  Also this girl who was about 16 was wearing a One Direction shirt on our plane and unashamedly took photos of Izzy and I while she walked by. So naturally Izzy pulled her phone out and took a picture of the girl.”  Everyone turned to look at Izzy and all she did was shrug and take a drink of her Corona.  

“Ella, will you please get to the point of all this?”

“Haven’t I already gotten to it?”  Everyone was looking at me like I was insane.  “Okay I’ll explain again.  I just think it’s weird that no one knows where we are.  I love just having time to be alone but something doesn’t feel right about this.”

Harry stood up from his lounger and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me pulling me against his chest.  “Babe, how much have you had to drink today?”

“Harry, that has nothing to do with this! Besides I could be asking you that same question.”  I looked over at Izzy and Talia and when they both made eye contact with me they quickly looked away.  I let out an exaggerated breath turned my back and started walking towards the ocean. 

When I reached the edge of the water I felt the small waves sweep over my feet. After standing there for a couple of moments I turned around and yelled at the top of my lungs, “Izzy!”

I watched Izzy put her drink down take off her sunglasses and she came running down to the water’s edge to join me.  As she reached me she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a big hug.  “What’s up girly?”

“Nothing.” I fidgeted with my top that was a halter-top green and white Betsey Johnson creation that I had owned for a couple of years.  It was my favorite swimsuit only because it held everything in place put still made me look good.  Izzy was wearing her newest suit that was yellow, white, and blue polka dot bikini that we had gone out and bought near the end of the school year from Betsey Johnson.  Talia was wearing a nude gold bikini that showed off her curves and made he boobs look bigger.  Izzy and I often teased Talia about her lack of boobs often saying we would gladly give her some of ours.    

“I’ll call bullshit on that.”

I couldn’t help the laughter as I turned to stare at my best friend.  She turned to face me to and then we both turned to face the boys and Talia who were staring at us waiting to see what we were going to do.  I could see Harry talking to the boys but I wasn’t able to make out what he was saying.   Izzy lowered her voice when she asked me, “What’s wrong?”

“I just want to get out of here right now.”  I turned to face back to the ocean and started walking into the crashing waves.  After walking in a couple feet I turned back to face Izzy and asked, “You in?”

Izzy smiled and started walking into the water.  When she reached me she waved her arm in front of her and said, “After you.” 

We continued walking deeper and deeper into the ocean until the water was over both of our chests. Looking out at the big waves coming our way I smiled and yelled, “First one to go down?”

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