Chapter 22: A Girl Is Allowed To...

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“'Cause maybe you're loveable

 And maybe you're my snowflake

 And your eyes turn from green to gray

 In the winter I'll hold you in a cold place

 And you should never cut your hair

 'Cause I love the way you flick it off your shoulder

 And you will never know

 Just how beautiful you are to me

 But maybe I'm just in love

 When you wake me up”

I lightly felt someone taping me on my shoulder causing me to jolt strait up shaking my head and pulling out my headphones.  “Oh I am sorry mam but we are about to land.”

Land? Right I’m on a plane…still, how could I forget?  I slowly nodded my head smiling.

“Thank you so much.  Would it be at all possible for me to get a cup of coffee?”

She gave me a weak smile and nodded.  After she left I opened up the shade to the window and looked out.  Gazing out the window I became lost in my thoughts.  I began to think about what Harry had planned for us to do; he wouldn’t tell me anything except for my flight information. 

Right after Harry had left to go back to England time seemed to have passed by too quickly, Christmas had come and gone and here I was on a flight to visit my boyfriend for New Year.  Izzy had called me from Maine everyday over the break and when she got back we hung out right up until the moment I left for the airport.

A few moments later the flight attendant brought me my coffee.  I gently took the coffee from her and gave her a sweet smile.  I started to slowly drink my coffee; I could feel the hot liquid running down my throat waking me up.  Another flight attendant came on the overhead, “Ladies and Gentleman we are about to be landing at London Heathrow.  Please return your seat the upright position and place all try tables to up as well as any luggage in the overhead compartment also at this time all electronics are to be turned off and if you have still need to fill out a customs form please do so now.  It has been a pleasure flying with you today, we know you have many options when you fly so thank you for choosing American today.” 

Sighing I continued to drink my coffee and pulled out my phone to turn it off then tucking it underneath my leg so that I would be able to turn it on as soon as we landed, my passport, and my customs form.  I continued to look out the window watching the London skyline fly past me as we were making our decent. 

The plane finally landed and everyone around me stood up to try and get off the plane as quickly as possible.  I grabbed my phone from underneath my thigh and turned it on.  Turning off the airplane mode I then sent my parents a text. ’hey just landed will text you when I get with Harry. Call you tonight! Love you xoxo’

I stood up and grabbed my purse from underneath my seat then put on my jean jacket.  I then slowly made my way out of the airplane smiling at the flight attendant as I walked by.  Getting off of the plane and into the airport was like a breath of fresh air on a warm spring day.

I hurried over to the area for customs and after about thirty minutes of standing in line and waiting I finally made my way out of there and into the luggage claim. 

I looked around and saw couples being reunited but I couldn’t see Harry anywhere.  I turned all the way around until I saw a sign that caught my attention.  In large scribbled handwriting it said, The Short One.  There were only a couple of people in the world who would make a sign like that.  Laughing I walked over to the man holding the sign and saw none other than Louis standing there trying to blend in while holding the sign up high. I started laughing and pulled out my phone to take a picture of him.  After snapping a quick picture I walked over to him and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. “Hey Lou! What are you doing at the airport?”

“Oh you know keeping Hazza company while he picks up some American girl.”

“Sounds fun.” I bumped him in the hip smiling.

He lowered the sign and wrapped me up in a hug. “How have you been Ella?”

“I’ve been good Louis. Now where is Harry? I thought he was picking me up.” 

“Oh Liam called and he went somewhere to take the call.” 

Nodding my head I handed my biggest bag to him and walked towards the door.

“Love it’s not that door.”

I huffed and rolled my eyes at him. “Okay Louis.” Turning back around I saw a back door open and Harry walked out with a frown on his face.  I walked right by Louis again this time dropping my purse and other bag by his feet and ran to Harry. Harry looked up from his phone and saw me running to him. 

I reached him and he leaned down to pick me up as best as he could while I was wearing a long skirt. “Harry I missed you.” I buried my head into his shoulder and held onto him tightly.

“I missed you too.”  We stood like this for a few moments until someone tapped Harry on the shoulder.

“Hate to break up this little reunion but we should get out of here, people are starting to whisper.”

As gracefully as I could I wriggled myself from Harry’s arms and fell right on my ass. Harry and Louis started laughing as I just sat on the floor.  When they finally helped me up Louis had gone to get my bags and had handed me back my purse while he and Harry carried my big bags all the way to the car outside.  Harry opened the Range Rovers passenger’s door for me then walked around to the driver’s side. 

Louis was already in the backseat typing on his phone smiling. I whipped around and looked at him when the car started to move.  “Tomlinson what are you smiling about?”

Giving me a sly look he replied, “Nothing Poore.”  I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to laugh.  I faced the front again and pulled my phone and opened twitter. The very first tweet I saw was from Louis. “Louis_Tomlinson: @Harry_Styles and I just picked up ‘the short one’”  

“Really Lou?!”

Harry laughed at my face and when we reached a red light pulled my phone from my hand and read the tweet. “Nice mate.”

My mouth fell open and I lightly hit Harry in the arm causing him to yelp lightly.  The rest of the car ride was spent with Louis and I arguing over music with the occasional comment from Harry.

The car stopped finally in a garage.  I opened my door and slowly climbed out then watched the boys struggle over my two bags.  After everything was sorted I followed Harry and Louis up to Harry’s condo and when I opened my door and when I looked inside I dropped my purse and screamed at the top of my lungs.

(A/N) babes sorry this chapter sucks! I am working on the next one as we speak and its hopefully better! So vote/comment/fan! and if you have any cute nicknames let me know!  Also my computer hates me and posted this chapter twice...SORRY!!

When this chapter gets 100 reads I'll update and post chapter24!!

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