Chapter 1: Chicks Before Dicks

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(A/N) Hey this is my first fanfic (please be kind) and would love for some votes or comments about anything including the weather...if thats what floats your boat! Thanks so much for reading cant tell you what it means to me! Also I would like to thank @livelovelaugh_14 for giving me the courage to post this story!

Much love,


Girl Rule Number 1: CHICKS BEFORE DICKS!

“Hey, boy you never had much game

So I needed to upgrade

So I went and walked away-way-way

Now I seen you been hanging out

With that other girl in town

Looking like a pair of clowns-clowns-clown”

Nothing quite beats driving around town with the windows down blasting Cher Lloyd with your best friend. The only thing that could quite possibly beat that was Psych or White Collar marathons. It seemed that no matter what was going on in the world my best friend, Isabelle Taylor, was always there for me. The people who didn’t know her called her Isabelle but I lucky enough to get to call her Izzy. Izzy was like my sister and we were separated at birth. We grew up listening to the same music, watching the same shows, and are parents were pretty similar too. Her mom was just like my dad; serious and controlling where as my mom and her dad were both carefree loving life people. Izzy was really pretty but at certain points didn’t remember that. She had hair that went down past her shoulders but stopped right before her waist it was deep brown with predominate red highlights, which I was really jealous of. She did this funny thing too when we were listening to music in the car she would start dancing along to the song and at red lights I would join in with the random dancing. It became one of our many traditions whenever we would hangout.

The first time Izzy and I meet we barely even talked to each other. In fact we actually couldn’t care less about one another. We each had different friends and just didn’t run in the same crowd. The first real time we had a conversation that lasted more than four minutes was a year ago during our schools production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. But it wasn’t until after the show was over that we actually became best friends. It seems that now we can’t even go a day without talking or hanging out with each other.

We were stopped at a red light when the chorus came blaring out of the speakers and Izzy and I couldn’t help but sing at the top of our lungs,

“Boy you can say anything you wanna

I don’t giva sh, and not one else can have you

I want you back, I want you back

Want want you, want you back

I broke it off thinking you’d be crying

Now I feel like sh looking at you flying

I want you back, I want you back

Want want you, want you back!"

Right before the light turned green Izzy and I both looked out the passenger window to see two boys in the car next to us laughing. Doing what any normal 18 year old girl who knew she looked hot Izzy smiled waved and as the light turned green and I pressed down on the gas she did what I never thought she would do, she flipped them off. And we drove off giggling.

We continued driving through downtown till we got to our other friends house, Athena. Athena was certainly something special. She said just what she was thinking and didn’t care if it came out bitchy or not. All three of us had that in common but Athena was most defiantly the worst out of all of us.

Upon arriving at Athena’s house I honked my car horn twice and she came sauntering out of her house like she was the shit. With her long light brown pulled into a high pony tail she knew she looked good and to the nines. Athena would never leave the house without looking good, the rest of us didn’t care as much as she did but we all did love looking good. In fact we all had different styles and they really were all opposites; Izzy loved wearing bright color shirts with either shorts or dark wash skinny jeans, Athena loved wearing skirts with loose flowing tops, and lastly I had recently started wearing one shoulder tops and dresses but my all-time favorite outfit was a gray knit skirt with a black Big D and the Kids Table shirt and black combat boots. The thing about all three of us to was that we all really loved just lounging around in sweats.

It was only 11 in the morning and Izzy and I were already hungry, it seemed that we could eat at any point of the day. Once Athena got in my car I threw the car into drive and speed off to the mall so we wouldn’t be late for our movie. Athena liked to control the music when she was in my car and would refuse to listen to Cher Lloyd. In fact she only really wanted to listen to Patent Pending, Ed Sheeran, or One Direction. These girls were crazy but I loved them and wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.

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