Chapter 33: As Women We Are...

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“What babe?”

“Have you seen my black tennis shoes?” I yelled as came running into his living room. Harry was sitting on his coach lying in just his sweat pants flipping through channels. I came to a stop in front of the TV. “Harry! We are supposed to be meeting everyone in 30 minutes and you’re not even dressed yet!”

Harry let out a groan and shook his head. “I don’t want to. Can’t we just call and cancel?”

“No Harry we can’t. Izzy and I are going home in two days and it’s going to be our last time to see everyone before we leave. Now get off of that damn coach and get dressed!”

Harry slowly stood up from the coach and watched me as he walked by. I turned away from him and started looking for my shoes in the kitchen. As he passed me he lightly hit me in the ass. I jumped a little and turned to face Harry. “What was that for Styles?”

Harry grabbed hold of my forearm and pulled me against him. “Oh please you loved it.” He leaned down and kissed me. After a moment he pulled away and looked down at me. “Why are you so short?”

“I’m not short I’m fun sized.” I stuck my tongue out and Harry started laughing lightly. He bent down and kissed me again. I could feel Harry smiling while we kissed and his smile only increased when he lifted me off the floor and place me on the counter. We continued kissing as his hands went up from my hips and moved to my unbuttoned jean shirt. He pushed the fabric off of my shoulders. I was left wearing my black skinny jeans and my crop top that said, ‘Hipster Please.’. Harry gave me the shirt after I had tried to steal his on my last visit.

I remember when he texted me about something being delivered to my house and not even an hour later the shirt was delivered with a note that said, ‘Now you won’t have to steal mine. Love, H.’

I pulled away from Harry as his hand went to my stomach and started crawling its way up to the hem of my already short shirt. “Harry-” He crushed his lips against mine trying to get me to stop talking. I was finally able to push him off me completely. “We are going to be late.” He sighed and looked down at me.

“Fine be that way.”

“I will thank you. Now go get dressed and hurry before the boys do something that you will regret later!” I jumped off the counter and started pushing Harry towards his room. When he was out of the living room and almost to our room I yelled after him. “Oh and please don’t dress like you are homeless!” I heard him groan as the door to our room closed.

I continued to walk around the room looking for my shoes. I seemed to find everything but my shoes. I even found a pair of earrings that my parents had given me for Christmas that I had left last time I was here. I walked into the guest room which had pretty much been turned into my closet. The bed was covered in my clothes with my shoes scattered all along the floor. I looked around and after lifting some different items of clothing I finally found them. I threw my hands in the air and did my own little happy dance.

I turned around to find Harry leaning against the doorframe with his phone held up. He had a giant smile on his face. “What are you up to?”


“Doesn’t look like nothing. Let me see!” I walked towards him and tried to take the phone out of his hand. “Come on Harry what are you trying to hide?”

“Nothing!” He handed me his phone and showed me what he had just tweeted.

‘@Harry_Styles: @EllaPoore has invaded my house’

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