Chapter 46: No Girl Shall...

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Leaning against the doorframe to the bathroom I slowly made my way back onto the bed.  Crawling on the bed I sat next to the boy who made me lose my mind and poked him on the face.  “Lazy pants it’s time to get up.” 

“Five more minutes!”

“No five more minutes, you need to get up now. There is so much we have to talk about and do today before hell breaks loose tonight.”

“I don’t wanna.”

“You sound like a child Harry.”

“Good!”  He peaked open his left eye and stared up at me and sent me a smirk.   

“Really Harry?  You’re the one who was so insistent on your mom staying here with us. And don’t forget what you promised me last night.”

“How could I ever forget?” He put his hands around my waist and pulled me so I was straddling him.

“Do you even remember what I’m talking about?”  Harry grabbed my left hand and started running his fingers along my hand up my arm then down my side landing on my hip. 


I lightly placed my hands on his chest and leaned down right next to his ear.  In my sexist voice I whispered, “Then what?”

He gripped both of my arms and lifted them over my head with the biggest smile on his face he flipped me over so he was laying on top.  “Starting with getting you pregnant then you never have to leave me ever again!”  Harry leaned down and kissed me.


“Come on Ella, don’t go breaking my heart.”

“I won’t go breaking your heart.  But I’m not ready to give everything up to get pregnant and sit around a non-existent house, which you promised me last night, waiting for you to come home.” The smile that once was shining on his face had vanished.  “Come on H.  Don’t look so sad maybe once you finish this tour we can talk about me transferring schools and permanently moving here.”

“Fine.”  Harry crawled off of me and stalked towards the bathroom. 

Watching him turn his back to me my jaw dropped.  I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom.  “What the hell Harry?!”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“No but your actions spoke louder than words ever could for you.”

“You know what Ella, the world does not revolve around you!”

“Oh you think I don’t know that?!”

“No, you act like a spoiled brat all the time.”

“Fuck you Harry Styles! You can go to hell!” I stormed out of the bath room and ran down the hallway to the kitchen with tears starting to stream down my face.  In the kitchen I pulled out my phone and called Izzy.

“Hey. What’s up?”

 “I need you to come pick me up.”

“Wait what?”

“Come pick me up I can’t take being in this God forsaken place anymore.”

“I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”  I slammed my phone against the island counter and let out a loud scream.  Leaving my phone I picked up my purse and walked out the door without looking behind me.

I waited five minutes before Izzy pulled up in a taxi with a gentle smile on her face.  “Hey I have coffee.”

“Thanks you’re a god send.”  I slumped against the taxi seat and closed my eyes slowly sipping on the warm liquid. 

“Want to talk about what happened?”

“Not at all.” 


We sat in silence for a few moments till the cab drivers voice broke the silence.  “Where to?”

Without opening my eyes I said “Westfield.”  Izzy started laughing quietly.  Opening my left eye open I glanced at her.  “What?” 

“Nothing I just find it funny you want to go there and not Piccadilly or Kensington.”

“I need to just get away from everything and the only place I can think of where no one is going to look for me is where a lot of high end shops are.” 

“Makes sense, so this means you don’t want me to tell anyone where we are going?” She was holding up her phone that displayed a frantic text from Harry asking if she knew where I was. 

“Correct.  Just tell him that I need space to cool off and that I am going to get a hotel room for myself tonight and will talk to him later.”

The rest of the afternoon was spent going in and out of all the high end shops and using the credit card that Harry had given me to use for emergencies. 

“Feeling better?”

“Yeah I think so.”

“Want me to take you back to the flat to get ready?”

“Not quite ready for that.  Can I go to Niall’s and get ready there?  Harry’s mom is probably at his flat anyway and dealing with her would just put me over the edge today.” 

Giggling we walked arm and arm down the street to Niall’s to get ready for the concert in a few hours.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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