Chapter 3: The Penalty For Exposing A Secret To An Unauthorized Party...

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(A/N) Hey here is chapter 3! Now for story time....when I first joined wattpad I found @24Hours_StillRising and I love her stories, they are really good go read them if you have not! So now my only hope is that this story will be half as good as all of her stories!

P.S. Tell your friends about this story! :D

-thanks babes!



Harry why did that name sound familiar? Had I meet him before and I just couldn’t remember? No I am positive I would remember a face like his. “Harry what?”

Just then Athena came bursting out the theater door with Izzy following right behind her. The same doors that Harry was still leaning against the opening of the door pushed him down and straight on top me. Before I realized what was happening Harry was laying on me with his lips only an inch away from mine. Now that he was so close I finally got a good look into his eyes and my god he really did have beautiful eyes. I was drawn out of my thoughts when I heard people cough, Athena and Izzy, I had forgotten all about them standing there. “Am I interrupting something Ellie?” God bless Athena but she would take the most innocent of things and turn them into the dirtiest things. It could be one of the reasons I love her so much.

“And whatever happened to swearing off boys?” Just like how Athena could make a moment dirty Izzy was really good at reminding me of things I had said not even 4 hours ago.

“Do you not even remember not even 15 minutes ago he was pissing you the fuck off! ” I knew Athena and Izzy were coming from the right place but man could they really make things awkward, even more so than they already were, with Harry laying on top of me. I could feel heat starting fill my cheeks Harry quickly climbed off of me refusing to even look in my direction. As soon as Harry turned around I shoot my best friend a death glance, and the bitch had the nerve to smirk at me like she was proud of herself! “You know it’s not nice to lie on top of people but if you want we can come back in like 10 minutes?” I was now bright red and there was no hiding it. “But if not then not help her the hell up! God where you raised by wolves?!” God bless Athena but at this point I would have paid her a million dollars to just shut up.

Harry leaned down to grab my outstretched hand. When his fingers grasped around mine my heart started to flutter. I had held other boys hands before but none of them had made my heart beat like it was going to fly right out of my chest and land on the floor in front of everyone. Harry pulled my hand before I was really ready and the next thing I knew I was in the air with Athena laughing and Izzy shrieking. I closed my eyes bracing myself for the impending impact but the floor never came instead I opened my eyes to come face to face again with Harry. Harry placed me down after looking over Athena and Izzys shoulders. I saw the boy with the longer hair that was swooped to the side. Harry looked extremely guilty like he had just broken out of jail. “Look I’m sorry for all of that.” He barely looked at me while he whispered it then he walked back into the theater with the boy who was standing behind my friends.

“What the fuck is wrong with him?”

“Athena! Most of what you guys just saw was an accident. In fact he bought the drink, popcorn, and candy. Well the popcorn and drink both spilled when I thought I was being taken.” Athena and Izzy looked at me like my fear of being taken was the most ridicules thing they had ever heard. A couple of months ago I had even made them take a self-defense class with me. My fear came was to the point that for my birthday a couple of years ago I had asked my parents for a key chain pepper spray so that way I could protect anyone who tried to kidnap me. “Stop looking at me like I’m crazy! Now are we going to go back in and enjoy the rest of this child’s movie that I paid over $30 for us to see?!” I marched back into the theater back to our seats and tried to spend the rest of the movie ignoring the 5 boys in front of me. Well really one boy in particular, the curly haired boy named Harry.

The Girl Code (a 1D story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ