Chapter 32: If Your Skirt Is...

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“I am so honored to have these next boys on the show! They have stolen the heart of thousands of girls and boys all around the world! Please ladies and gentlemen help me welcome ONE DIRECTION!” Everyone in the crowd started cheering while I looked over at Izzy who was smiling more today than ever before. We had only known the boys for seven months but by now it seemed that we had known them our whole lives. Izzy and I would be graduating high school in a month and as an early gift from the boys they flew us out to see them on Alan Carr.

It was the first time we had actually seen all of the boys since spring break, a month ago, but we had not only talked on the phone but Skyped almost every day with them. Harry had told me over Skype one day that Niall and Izzy were going to tell the public that they were together. Izzy and Niall had been together for almost five months now and they were still as infatuated with each other now as they were when they first got together.

The boys started to walk down a staircase in the corner of the stage with the new Ed Sheeran song playing in the background. They were all smiling and waving at the crowd. Louis leaned over to Harry and whispered something in his ear that caused him to snap hid head up and look out into the audience. I gave a small little wave and blew a kiss that he reached out his hand and caught. “Oh God you two are disgustingly cute together and you haven’t even seen each other in over a month!” Izzy whispered in my ear.

I stuck my tongue out at her and laughed, “Oh is someone jealous?” She didn’t have time to reply because the boys had made their way to the couch that all five of them squeezed to fit on.

“Well welcome back boys! Now who wants a drink?” All five boys raised their hands with a laugh. “Good!” Alan yelled. “Now what has been going on in the crazy world that is One Direction?”

“We just finished a new song that we can’t wait for everyone to hear.” Liam replied with a smile.

“Excellent! Now but what I really want to know as I am sure your fans do to is who here is single?” Harry and Niall looked out into the audience as if seeking out approval for how they should answer. I just replied with a small smile and a nod of the head, indicating that Harry should do whatever he felt like doing. “Now before any of you start to raise your hands and all of that I want you boys to take a look at this picture I have of Harry and his ‘friend’.” Alan put up a picture of Harry and me from when we went to Paris a few weeks ago during my spring vacation. We were standing in front of the Arc de Triomphe smiling at each other. I was wearing black tights with a gray skirt and a white sweater, I remembered how cold it was, even wrapped up in a jacket Harry still had to hold me close the entire day as we walked down the Champs de Elysees shopping and eating.

I had told Harry a few weeks earlier about wanting to go back to Paris before I went to college in the fall but that my parents were not going to let me because they wanted us to spend quality time together. But Harry had still surprised me with this trip and on top of that he had even asked my parents’ permission before he informed me of the trip.

I was drawn out of my memories of the trip when Izzy poked me in the stomach Alan had another picture up from that same trip but this time it was a picture of Harry and I kissing at the train station in Paris. We were taking the train back to London so I could fly back home the next morning. I really couldn’t help smiling remembering all of these memories.

“So Harry who is this lucky lady?” Alan asked pulling me out of my day dream.

“That’s my girlfriend.” The boys each patted him on the back because it was the first time he had really openly admitted that I was his girlfriend in an interview not that we were exactly trying to keep it a secret. Articles had been written about us but Harry had never wanted to bring me into the spotlight completely. While some girls started ahhing others started booing so I lowered my head hoping none of them would recognize me.

“Well then what is her name?”

“Ella.” Harry stated with a very proud look on his face.

“Ah she is very lovely.”

“She really is and she is also very fun to be around.” Louis replied giving a cheeky smile towards me and Izzy.

“Now Harry we have heard new rumors about your relationship recently would you care to comment?”

“Umm huh.”

“I am obviously talking about the rumor that you are planning on proposing to your girlfriend.”

My head snapped up and my eyes went wide. Harry couldn’t possibly be planning to propose to me. I was still in high school. I was going to college in the fall. Harry finally made eye contact with me and lowered his head.

Eventually he started laughing and looked up at Alan, “That’s the first I’m hearing of this.”

The rest of the boys started laughing also but “So everyone else who is taken? Now that we know Harry is officially off the market.”

He looked at Liam, “Taken and very happy.”

Then Zayn, “Single and loving it!”

“Single.” Louis replied with a frown. His break up with Eleanor had really torn him apart that he was now just starting to act natural around other people and not be so on edge all the time.

He finally looked at Niall who got a stressed look on his face like he wasn’t sure what to say, all while this was going on Izzy started to shift in her seat beside me. I stole a look at her and she just was shaking her head franticly. No one knew about her and Niall except for the boys, and me; and that’s just how they wanted to keep it. “Well I am single.” He finally responded after a few awkward moments of silence.

“Are you really Niall? Because that not what it looks like in this photo.” Then up popped a photo of Izzy and Niall outside of their hotel during their trip to Rome, it was taken during the same time that the photos of Harry and I were taken. Now Izzy had always wanted to go to Rome for the history and because she was a complete nerd seeing as she had taken four years of Latin; but when I snuck a glance at Izzy her jaw had dropped. In the photo Niall clearly had his arm wrapped around her waist and was pulling her close to whisper something in her ear with a lustful look in his eyes.

“That is a friend of mine. We met when we were in the states. She is Ella’s best friend, and is really cool and fun to hang out with.”

“A friend or do you mean a ‘friend’?” Niall lowered his head and Izzy turned bright red. “Well I take your silence as a yes she is your ‘friend’.” Well I guess the cat was out of the bag everyone knew about not only Harry and I but also Niall and Izzy. Things were definitely not going to be the same anymore.

(A/N) hey babes here is this weeks chapter! I hope you enjoy it!! Also go read 'No Directions Attached' by rue_by_anouther_name!! Its crazy good and once I started reading it I wasn't able to put it down!

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