Chapter 25: It Is Perfectly Acceptable To...

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Not even four hours later Harry and I were sitting in his car driving to Holmes Chapel to visit his mom, for the day. I as beyond nervous not just to be meeting Harry’s mom but also the fact that pictures of us from last night were making the rounds on twitter and facebook. My mom had called an hour ago, while I was getting ready. She and my father were both freaking out about the pictures and they both wanted me to come home. I ended up spending the next half hour trying to convince both my mom and dad that I was perfectly safe and that there was no need for them to worry about me.

*one hour earlier*

“Mom I’m fine!”

“Ella! You’re dad and I are both worried, that this visit wasn’t a very good idea.”

“Mom there is nothing to worry about! Harry is taking great care of me. I promise.”

“That’s not the point sweetie. The point is that there is a blurry picture of you and Harry on the London Eye kissing.”

“Can you please just be happy for me right now?”

“I am happy for you, but…”

“But what mom?”

My dad had taken the phone from my mom. “Ella I don’t care what you have to say. Your mother and I woke up to find pictures of you all over the internet. You are to be on the next flight home.”

“Daddy, I am fine I promise. Nothing bad has happened.”

“That’s not the point!”

“Then what is the point?”

“I don’t want you to get hurt by him.”

“I know what you’re trying to say daddy but I am 18. I’m not a baby anymore please just let me make my own mistakes.”

My dad took in a deep breath then let out a loud audible sigh. “Fine Ella, I trust you to make smart decisions but if you change your mind come home.”

“I promise I will. Give mom a kiss for me. I love you daddy.”

“I love you too baby bug.” I smiled and hung up.

*present time*

I ran my hair through my hair shaking it out as I did so. I had straightened my hair and had it parted heavily to the right side of my head. I was wearing a nude colored dress with brown leather boots. Since my parents had called I hadn’t had time to finish applying my makeup so I was sitting in the front seat of Harry’s Range Rover attempting to apply my eyeliner as gracefully as I could.

Harry looked over at me and started laughing, “Ella what on earth are you doing?”

“Finishing my makeup, I want to look at least somewhat presentable when I meet your mom.” I capped my eyeliner and opened my makeup bag and pulled out my lip-gloss.

“Mum is going to love I just know it.”

“Ok Harry, whatever you say.” I winked at him and then continued to look at myself in the mirror applying the lip gloss.

Smiling Harry stopped the car and put it into park. “We’re here!”

I looked up and saw a two story house sitting in front of me. Harry got out of the car and started walking to the front door when his mom came rushing out of the house. She went running to him and he wrapped her up in a huge hug. I smiled at the interaction taking place between the two of them. Harry and his mom stopped hugging and started talking when Harry looked over his shoulder and saw me still sitting in the car.

The Girl Code (a 1D story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin