Chapter 10: A Girl Who Can SubStantically Claim That She Was Not Aware...

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(A/N) hey people so you are in luck I finished this chapter today so you are getting it now! You are welcome! Tell me what you think by voting/commenting/and fanning. So tell people about this story if you love it! Tell random people on the street about it because thats how you meet cool people! And yes i know i tell you that every A/N but its the truth go out and meet new people! much love babes!;) Oh and can anyone guess where this story is taking place? or where I am from? And it makes me sad that you guys are so quite! :(


p.s. go check out @NiallHornan_1Thing1D her story is really good!


“Ella do you have to shout it that loud?”

“So you admit it you have a fucking hickey! Who even gave you that hickey?”

She didn’t have time to answer because the elevator doors opened and all five of the boys were standing there waiting for us. Harry standing right in the middle of the boys pulled me out of the elevator as soon as he could get his hands on me. Drawing me into a big hug I couldn’t help but laugh a little. He gave me a perplexed look and I smiled up at him and pulled away, I wasn’t quite ready to let Athena off the hook that easily I was going to get answers and I would get them now.

“Athena Story!” I yelled and turned around to face her but she wasn’t there I kept turning looking for her. “Where the hell has she gone?! ATHENA!” I looked at the other boys who all had confused looks and were looking at Izzy for an explanation but all she did was shake her head at them. “And Zayn he is missing too! Where did he go?”

Everyone started looking around from Zayn wondering where he could have gone but after a few moments Harry started looking at me like I was crazy and maybe at this point I was but I didn’t care. “Ella maybe you should-”

He was interrupted by a woman opening her door yelling, “My god you are in a public place control yourself and if you can’t I will call hotel security!” The boys nodded while I was still spinning around looking for Athena. Harry came up to me grabbed me around the waist and started practically dragging me back to their room. As we passed by the woman’s room another girl clearly a 16 year old came out to see what was going on and screamed.

“Oh my god your One Direction! AHH! My god I love you guys so much!” She came running up to us so Harry was forced to let go of me and as soon as he started signing something for her I took off running to the boy’s room.

“Ella! Stop running!” Harry was yelling this to me when I had started running but I didn’t stop me I only kept on running, not caring that I was looking like a complete idiot. Reaching the room I knocked and Zayn came to the door with a smug look on his face.

“Hey Ella where are the others?” He asked sticking his head out of the door into the hallway looking for them.

“Shut it Zayn! Where’s Athena? Don’t bother lying I know she is in here!” I pushed by Zayn and walked into the center of the suite. “Athena Barbra Story get your ass over here right now!”

She came out of a room on the side with a grimace on her face. “What Ella?”

“Well maybe I should start by asking why the fuck do you have a hickey on your neck? Then why did you run off as soon as I wasn’t looking?”

“Ok Ella first calm down I refuse to explain anything to you when you’re like this.” Taking a deep breath and walked over to the couch and sat down. She was glancing at Zayn who now had a guilty look on his face. Athena had come here after I had discovered her hickey and Zayn had come running after her quietly.

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