Chapter 7: Never Let A Boy Win If You Know You Know You Can

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(A/N) hey babes I hope school is going well for those of you who have already started and for those of you who are out or have yet to start lucky! Well as promised here is Chapter 7 the next upload will be saturday or sunday of next week depending on what I am up to...


p.s. this chapter is dedicated to @thisissraah because she wrote a very sweet comment on the last chapter!


Pulling up to the best place to go laser tagging in town, I started laughing about what had taken place during the car ride over. Izzy finally started talking to Niall and Liam while Louis sent death looks at Athena and Zayn just stared at her. Harry quietly sat in the front seat just staring at me as I drove. Athena was still controlling the music even from the back seat; I would have thought the world was ending if she was ok listening to anything. It was certainly one of the most interesting car rides of my life and it had only lasted ten minutes.

Louis had complained the whole time about how he didn’t want to sit next to Athena and how she was really mean. I could see where he was coming from Athena definitely could be a bitch but her bark was usually worse than her bite, unless you were one of her few unlucky victims and I had only seen a couple of those within the 4 years we have been friends. Louis only stopped complaining when Zayn had agreed to switch seats with him. So Louis spent the rest of the car ride staring out the window like a lost puppy.

Parking my car and climbing out Athena looked over the hood and scratched her nose towards Izzy and me nodding ever so slightly so the boys would notice. We had come up with this secrete system to communicate ages ago; sometimes we would just communicate with looks and small gestures. Knowing exactly what she was talking about Izzy admitted, “Boys I guess now is the time that we admit we are not all that good at laser tag.” It wasn’t the first time we had used this trick on people but we knew that this would be a real test of our acting skills.

Louis got a smug look on his face. “Loves its ok we promise we will go easy on you.” Easy on us please he will be begging for mercy within the first five minutes.

“Thanks Louis, that is so sweet of you but if I know Athena and Izzy, and I hope I do, we want your sympathy we want to lose or win by our own merit.”

“But that doesn’t mean it can’t fun and interesting.”

“Babe that’s the spirit but what do you mean by ‘interesting’?” Zayn asked looking at Athena.

“Well how about losers buy winners dinner?” I wanted to slap Izzy right now and from the look Athena was giving her too I could tell we were on the same page. The boys started laughing which was always a good sign for us, they were completely buying it!

The boys looked around each other nodding when Niall said, “Fine love, you girls can buy us dinner when we win. But I have to warn you I do eat a lot.”

Athena and I couldn’t help ourselves from laughing pulling out my debit card I said, “Don’t worry Daddy has this covered!” Athena and I high fived and at the same times and said, “We are the 1%, bitches!” The boys started laughing as we walked into the building.

It didn’t take long for us to insist that we wanted it to be boys v. girls since the boys really wanted a free meal. Being walked into the arena the games supervisor went over the rules with us, “Rule 1: Laser Tag is a Non-Contact Sport, Any intentional contact is unpardonable. Any accidental contact requires immediate warnings to both Laser Tag Sportsmen to be more careful, with further physical contact subject to immediate censure. Rule 2: Sensors Must be Visible, Preventing a Laser Tag beam from tagging a sensor is dishonorable. In the course of a game when a sensor is blocked, any player is allowed to yell, "Sensor!" If the player whose sensor is blocked is not in a duel with someone else, he is obliged to either run away or move to better show his sensor. Rule 3: Sensors Must be Attached, A sensor that fails or is pulled off must be put back on immediately. While the sensor is not worn, the player is not allowed to use his weapon. If the sensor malfunctions, the player must take himself out of the contest. A sensor cannot be tagged when it is not attached to its Laser Tag Player. Any player who does tag an opponent's sensor while it is unattached is penalized with twice as many tags on his own sensor. Rule 4: Sensors Must be Activated, At times during the beginning of normal Laser Tag contests, it could happen that a sensor is not turned on or gets reset. If this is discovered, that Laser Tag Sportsman must take himself out of the contest immediately. Rule 5: Laser Tag Sportsmen are Honorable, No matter what a person is like away from the games, when he puts on the Laser Tag equipment he is to be treated with respect and honor. Laser Tag Sportsmen never lie, cheat, or take advantage of a fallen foe. Rule 6: Laser Tag is a Game, Players must always remember that Laser Tag is only a game. It is designed so everyone can have fun. If a player gets angry, exhausted, or bitter, he should stop playing until he cools off. Not having fun is against the code.”

The Girl Code (a 1D story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora