Chapter 43: No Girl Shall...

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“Where do you think you’re going?” A deep voice was calling out to me. The same deep voice, that constantly caused my knees to buckle.  

I froze as the smile crept up onto my face.  I couldn’t help looking down as I thanked the heavens that he was standing only a few feet away from me.  As I turned to face the voice, when I turned all the way around I was greeted by Harry who was wearing the biggest smile I had ever seen him wear. 

“Harry.”  I felt my bags slip from my arms and my legs started moving.  My smile kept growing as my legs carried me even closer to Harry.  I again shouted, “Harry!” Right before I reached him his arms flew open and I jumped into his arms. Wrapping my legs around his waist and locking my arms around his neck I leaned my head near his ear and whispered, “I have missed you so much. I’m sorry for not listening to you. Please tell me you will forgive me for being a stubborn stuck-up bitch.” 

He lifted one of his hands from my back and carefully tilted my head so that we were eye to eye with each other.  After staring into each other’s eyes for a moment he simply replied, “You never need to apologize.  I love you so much.”  With that I placed my lips over his and tightened my grip around his neck. When we pulled away tears started running down my face as I stared at him.  He placed me back down on the ground and lifted his thumb to whip the cascading tears off of my cheek. “Come on baby girl no need for tears.” 

I lifted my right hand and grabbed onto the hand on my cheek.  “They are tears of happiness.”  I tilted my head and rested it in Harry’s hand and just stared up at his smiling face.  He slowly leaned down and placed his lips over mine. 

When he pulled away he looked behind himself and then behind me.  After staring at something for a few moments he looked back down at me.  “Come on let’s get out of here before we cause an even bigger scene.”  Smiling he reached down and grabbed my hand.

As we started making our way back to my abandoned bags I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were being watched.  As I quickly looked over my shoulder I tried searching for someone holding up a camera taking videos and pictures of the boys, Izzy, and me.  When I didn’t see anyone I let out a breath that I hadn’t realized I was holding in.  Harry walked over to my bags and lifted up one of my carry-ons and grabbed my larger rolling suitcase. 

“Ah H, you’re my hero.”

“Yeah Harry you’re our hero.” I turned to see Louis standing a few feet off with the three of the boys and Nathalia.  The boys were all laughing but Talia was staring at them giving them a death glare.


“Hey you, long time no see.”

“I know but everything has been crazy and I just wasn’t in a happy place.”

“You could say that again.”  I looked up to glare at Louis.

“Lou, what the hell is your problem?”

“Well for the past few weeks I have had to babysit Harry because you wouldn’t get off of your high horse and work things out with him.”

I could feel my blood begin to boil.  It was one thing to be yelled at for my stubbornness by my best friend but an entirely different story when someone who barely knew me was yelling at me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes but when I opened them and looked up to see Louis I completely lost it.  I opened my mouth and I couldn’t control what came out of my mouth.  “Well maybe if you had kept Taylor away from Harry this whole thing would have never happened!  So you know what Louis this whole mess is your entire fault.  Don’t try to tell me that there was nothing that you could have possibly done.  I saw the videos and you know what you were doing in those videos?  You were standing there watching your best friend kissing a different girl who is not his girlfriend!”   I let out a staggering breath and looked around me.  Other people had stopped their conversations and were staring at the six of us. 

“Ella dear why don’t you and I go and grab a soda from the vending machine.”  Talia walked over to me and grabbed onto my shoulder and pulled me away with her.

After walking a few moments Talia stopped walking and turned to face me.  “Okay no Ella how are you really feeling?”


“Yes honestly!  The entire time I have known you I don’t think I have ever seen you blow up at Louis.  In fact I thought that you were closest to him out of all the boys.”

I took in a deep breath and looked up at Talia.  I knew that if I tried holding everything in I would explode from all the stress I was putting on my body.  “Talia if I tell you something will you promise not to tell anyone? And I mean anyone, including Harry and Izzy.”

“Okay Ella I promise but to be honest you’re kind of freaking me out.”


“Okay girls are you ready for the best vacation ever!”  Talia yelled from the front seat next to Liam.

Izzy and I shared a glace with each other and burst into laughter.  Everything had been tense with the group since my yelling match with Louis.  No one really wanted to say anything afraid that it would set someone else off. 

After laughing I yelled to no one in particular, “I am so ready to just drink and not care!”

Izzy threw her hand in the air and responded, “You mean get drunk and forget that we are starting college in four short months.”

“Yes mostly that!”

Talia had started to laugh.  While Izzy and I would be starting school in the fall Talia had already finished University. “Oh come one it’s going to be some of the best times of your life.”

“You say that because you weren’t dating Liam when you started going to school.  No offense Liam.” 

 Everyone in the car had turned to look at me but the only person brave enough to respond to me was Harry.  “Ella, what in the world are you talking about?”

“Well darling I am talking about the fact that everyone knows who I am dating.  So that means if I ever want to go out I have to be careful that no one takes photos and posts them on the internet.”  My parents had talked to me about this after Harry and I had gone completely public with our relationship.  I could no longer go out and not expect people to take photos.  My mom told me that I need to live by the motto: ‘Don’t do anything you don’t want your grandma to see’. 

No one in the car seemed to have a response to what I had said so we all sat quietly for the rest of the car trip. 

I pulled out my phone plugged in my headphones and handed on to Harry.  After watching him place the ear bud into his ear I carefully placed my head on Harry’s shoulder closed my eyes and pressed play on my music and Coeur de Pirate started playing.  

I don’t know how long the car ride lasted because the next thing I knew Harry was gently shaking my arm and kissing my forehead.  “Babe we’re here.  It’s time to get up.”

“Harry not so loud.”  I carefully opened my eyes and looked out the window to see the most beautiful house.  The walls were a bright yellow with pillars that were a stark white.  The house was two stories high and led directly to the beach as well as having a private pool.  “Oh- my- God-.”

“I know right.”  Harry opened the car door and helped me out of the car.  Standing on the drive way looking at the house Harry stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.  He slowly leaned in and whispered into my ear, “Welcome to paradise sweetie.”

After pulling out of Harry’s arms and giving him a big kiss on the cheek I ran into the house and shouted at the top of my lungs, “WHERE IS THE BOOZE!”

These next few days were going to be the best days of my life.

(A/N) Hey loves! I am so sorry it took me forever to upload this chapter.  I was a French Camp for two weeks and then when I got home all I wanted to do was sleep.  Well I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know if you think I should write a sequel or not (it will help me decide how I want to end the story)!  Also please please please go check out my other story Summer Love!! Okay well that is all for now...Love y'all!!!

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