Chapter 42: Always Exfoliate Before...

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“Oh my God, Ella! We are in freaking Belize!”

“Izzy shhh we are still on the plane.”  I looked over my shoulder to see if other people on the plane had noticed us. 

“Ella, look outside the window and tell me that that is not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen!”  I yanked out my headphones shoved them into my purse and leaned across Izzy to see the view from the window. 

“Wow you were right that is just-”

“You can’t think of any words to describe how awe inspiring it is.”  I nodded my head and continued to gaze out the window.  “Well now you understand why I’m so excited!” 

I couldn’t help the smile that came over my face as I turned back to face forward again.  I placed my headphones back into my ears and continued reading my book. Before we left my brother had made a bet with me that I wouldn’t be able to get through a list of books by the end of summer, I was only on the first book on the list and I still had 15 more left.

Before we landed Izzy was practically bouncing up and down in her seat.  She was rattling all the things that we were going to do while here. “We are going to spend so much time on the beach and tanning.  And if we have time between tanning, swimming, sleeping, and eating we are going to take a trip and visit the Mayan ruins.  This is actually going to be the best vacation ever!” 

She leaned over to give me a hug and then continued to look out the window for the rest of the flight.  As soon as the plane touched the ground Izzy was starting to gather all of her things and was already turning on her cell phone.  She quickly started typing away on it with a giant smile on her face. 

I couldn’t help watching my best friend as she typed away, “What’s got you so smiley?”

She looked up from her message and responded, “Life.” 

“Of course how silly of me.”  I pulled my phone out and turned it on.  As I was watching start up Izzy was holding her phone out and was taking selfies.  “What on earth are you doing now?”

“Documenting the moment!  Now smile!”  She held up her phone and was snapping photos of me. After snapping a few shots she looked through the photos and gave me a giant smile, “Beautiful darling! Absolutely beautiful; now to post these lovely pictures to insta.”

I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped from my lips. “You know Izzy if this whole school thing doesn’t work you could always become a photographer and just start taking photos all day and try selling them.” 

“Oh yeah that will make my parents happy.  They already love the fact that I’m dating Niall.”

I couldn’t help but role my eyes at her.  “Oh please your parents love him.  What’s not to love?”

“Okay well maybe that’s not it but they aren’t crazy about the fact that I’ve been talking about giving up my scholarship to move to England.”

Izzy had mentioned this to me once over the past month I had honestly thought it was just a random thought that had crossed through her mind when she was really missing Niall. 

“Ella, close your mouth or you’ll catch a fly.” I quickly closed my mouth not even having noticed that it had fallen open.  

“Sorry it’s just; I can’t believe you serious about that?  I just thought that you were missing Niall!”

Izzy quickly tucked her phone into her pocket and shyly looked out the window.  “Can we talk about this later Ella?  Everyone on the plane is starting to get off.”

“Fine but we aren’t finished talking about this.” 

She nodded her head and waited for me to stand up.  I was standing on my tip toes trying to reach the bag I had thrown into the overhead compartment. My fingers were brushing against a bag that I couldn’t quite get a good grip on. “Almost there.”

I felt a body push up against mine that was also reaching in the compartment. “Here I do believe this is your bag.”

The body moved away I was standing face to face with a pair of brilliant blue eyes.  I opened my mouth trying to utter a response but all that came out was a bunch of vowels. After standing there for a couple of moments Izzy started laughing behind me. 

“I am so sorry for my friend.  She has zero social skills.” I whipped my head around to face her and shot her a look.  She quickly shot me a smile and stuck her tongue out at me.  “Now if you will excuse me I believe we are holding up the rest of the plane.”  Izzy pushed past the two of us and went to the exit of the plane.

I watched her walk off and turned back to face the blue eyed boy.  I reached down to pick up my bag and gave him a weak smile.  After staring at his face for a brief moment I quickly scurried off the plane and tried to catch up with Izzy before she got too far ahead of me. 

Bursting through the end of the gate I looked all around for Izzy only to spot her standing in the corner laughing.  She was all smiles and still lightly laughing when she started walking towards me.  “Well if that wasn’t entertaining I don’t know what else could possibly be.”

“Oh shut up, it wasn’t that funny.”

“Are you kidding yes it was.”

“Whatever can we please get a move on to grab our bags and go through customs so we can officially start our vacation?”

“Fine.”  Izzy lightly nudged me and started walking towards customs.

Suffering for 30 minutes in customs we finally reached the other side to grab our bags. 

Once grabbing my last bag I let out a loud huff and turned to face Izzy, “Well that was interesting.”

She started laughing again and pointed to behind me. I turned to see what could possibly have her laughing again.  Standing behind me was the guy from the plane standing there smiling at me.  “Izzy stop staring.”

“I wasn’t the one who started staring first okay.”

“Whatever.”  I picked up my bag and started walking towards the exit.

“Where do you think you’re going?” A deep voice was calling out to me.

(A/N) First I hope you enjoyed this chapter... second sorry for not updating sooner I just was not feeling inspired.  I am going to French Camp on Monday for two weeks but I am going to try and update another chapter before I leave.  I love each and everyone of you oh and if you haven't already please please please check out my other story 'Summer Love'.  Love Y'all!!

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