Chapter 18: It Is Perfectly Acceptable To Sing Into Your Hairbrush...

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After they finished performing I Should’ve Kissed You the boys signed a few autographs and took a couple of pictures with my classmates, they did so all because they wanted to be left alone for the rest of the evening.  After they finished I asked Harry about why they had done this he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close against his chest smiling he slowly said, “I just wanted a chance to be with you for a little bit before the boys and I go back to England to finish working on the album.” 

While the boys had been signing autographs Athena and I were talking to Drew as if us knowing the boys was completely normal. Hearing a few underclassman girls talking about how hot the boys were caused me to threw Athena a, ‘bitches best not mess with me’ look which only caused her to laugh and shake her head. She eventually gave me a, “Ella you need to calm your tits!” look.

Drew looked back and forth between us finally he looked at me and yelled, “God Ella shut up!”  I shot Drew a look and continued to talk to Athena rolling my eyes. 

Harry came sauntering up to us a few moments later and wrapped his arm around waist pulling me close.

“So what is the plan babe?” He said asking me but when I looked away towards Athena Drew decided he would talk to Harry again.

“We were planning on going back to my house and watching movies and eating.” Drew said looking at Harry.

Harry looked over his shoulders to the boys and yelled, “We are leaving boys!”

The boys walked over to us shoving each other out of the way to see who could get to us first.  Louis got one last good shove on Niall which caused him to fall to the floor.  Athena and I gasped as he went tumbling down only causing the boys to laugh even more.  I walked out from under Harry’s arm to go and help Niall up. “Thanks love!”

“No problem leprechaun! Now don’t mind the boys laughing get to you it was actually really adorable!” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek much to the distaste of Harry. Laughing Niall grabbed on to my outstretched hand holding it as we walked back to the group. I looked over to him and he had the biggest smile that quickly disappeared as soon as we reach the rest of the group.  Louis and Liam were poking Harry and laughing causing him to march over to Niall and me and pull me out of Niall’s hand.  “Harry what are you doing?”

“Nothing just claiming what is mine!”  He gave me a cheeky smile and winked at me causing me to giggle lightly.

“Harry Styles I swear your lucky that I like you because if I didn’t I would kill you right now.”  Harry leaned down and gave me a small peck on the lips and when we pulled apart I saw Louis holding his phone pointing it at us smiling.

“That is so going on twitter!” 

I was starting to have a small freak out about that moment between Harry and I being out for all 7 million of Louis followers plus thousands of others who were bound to retweet the photo to see this exchange. Harry and I had been doing a pretty good job about keeping my name and face out of the media, Harry had come out to say that he did have a girlfriend that lived in the states but that he wanted to make sure that I was able to keep living my life without being harassed by thousands of girls who thought they were going to marry Harry. 

Before Harry could say anything his phone buzzed through his suit jacket, Louis had sent the picture and by the look on Harry’s face when he pulled out his phone he had also tagged me too. 

“Well you might as well let me see it.” 

I grabbed for Harry’s phone and took a look at the photo.  You could hardly see the two of us but it was very clear that we were kissing in the photo.  Looking at the picture for a few more moments I looked at the caption Louis had posted with it. ‘just too cute for words! @Harry_Styles @EllaPoore’

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