Chapter 41: When Dating...

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“Let’s go Ella!”

“I don’t want to.  Please just let me lie in bed and die here.”

“No!  You have five minutes to get your ass out of bed and to be dressed.”  I pulled my covers back over my face hoping that Izzy would just leave me alone.  After a couple of moments of being surrounded by the darkness of my blankets a hard tug ripped them off and I was greeted by a rush of cold air. 

“What the hell Izzy!”

“Don’t even right now!  The world does not revolve around you and you need to get your ass up and moving.  We are going to mother flipping New York.  So get up!”

“Fine!”  I sat up in my bed and looked around my cluttered room. With a smug smile on her face Izzy walked over to my door.  Before she left the room she turned and watched me actually stand up out of bed and walk over to my dresser. 

I opened up my dresser and pulled out a tank top that said, ‘Today’s Outfit’.  Smiling at how much my attitude was displayed for everyone to see.  Throwing it on along with some light pink shorts I grabbed my black baseball cap and my black and white checkered Vans and walked out of my room.  I pulled my shoes on as I was walking out of my bedroom and my hat as I was climbing down the stairs.  I knew that my bag had been sitting downstairs packed for the past two days. 

Two weeks ago if you had asked me about how I felt about going to New York for a week with my best friend I would have told you that I was off the walls with excitement but now, now I couldn’t care less.  The only thing that I was able to focus on was all the reports that Harry and I were breaking up and when he tried denying them papers than started to say that we must be planning on getting married now that I was finished with High School. Every day a new report would come out about Harry and me.  I had reached the point where all I want to do is scream for everyone to get out of my life. 

When I reached the bottom of my stairs I was greeted by a smiling Izzy and my mother sipping on her coffee laughing at whatever Izzy was saying.  “Well, well, well look who finally decided to grace us with her presence.”

“Oh please it didn’t take me that long.”

My mom looked between the two of us and started laughing, “Come on girls just grab your bags and let’s go.”  Izzy reached down and picked up her white Coach purse. 

I bent down and picked up my bags and started walking to the front door.  After throwing my bags in the trunk next to Izzy’s bags I climbed into the backseat.  When my mom climbed into the driver’s seat she turned and faced me in the back and then eyed Izzy who was now opening the passenger’s door, “You girls sure you have everything you need?”

Izzy and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes a muttered, “Yes”

“How about your passports?”

“Mom why would we need those we aren’t leaving the country.”

“Right, sorry that is my fault.  I’m just excited for y’all and I want to make sure you have everything you need.”

Izzy and I started laughing at my mom’s exasperated expression.  “We will be fine Mrs. Poore. Plus if we need anything we have our debt cards.”

“Okay good.  Then let’s get this show on the road.”  She placed the car in drive and took off to the airport. 

The car ride to the airport was quiet.  Izzy and my mom were listening to the radio while I sat in the backseat scrolling through Instagram and then twitter.  I never checked my notifications for either afraid that the only thing I would see is hate but today I couldn’t help myself.  Nothing really popped out at me until I had reached near the bottom where someone had sent me the link to a YouTube video.  I warily clicked the link and was brought face to face with a video of Harry and the infamous kiss.  The video was shaky and at times blurry but you could clearly make out Harry and Taylor, or as Izzy had been referring to her as ‘The Evil One’, kissing.  As soon as I saw them kissing I exited out of the video only to see that Harry had texted me. 

‘Hey have fun with Izzy and remember that I love you.’

I stared at the text for a couple of minutes until Izzy had opened my door and was staring at me. 

“Ella?  What are you looking at?”

“Nothing.”  I clicked my phone off and climbed out of the car. 

“Okay, well let’s go have some fun then!”

After kissing my mom goodbye Izzy and I walked inside the airport.  Izzy went and checked our bags and started through security.  With our passports and boarding passes out we quickly made it through and went to the Admirals Club. 

After grabbing a cup of coffee I went to join Izzy in a back corner.  Plopping myself down on the lounge I looked at Izzy who was typing away on her phone.  “What time is our flight?”

“Not for another hour. Why?”

“I was just wondering.”

“Sure…”  She looked up at me and then back down at her phone.  “You know what you should do during this hour?”

“What should I do Izzy?”

“You should call your loving boyfriend.  The one who is has been miserable for over a month now.  The same boyfriend that is paying for this trip.”

“What are you talking about Izzy?  I thought our parents were paying for it.”

She started laughing.  “That’s what he wanted you to think.    Ever since the day that shall not be talked about happened he has been trying to make it up to you.  But you won’t let him!”  I was left just staring at Izzy while she continued on her rant.  I only just stared at her while I thought back to all the things Harry had been doing the past few weeks.  Harry had to love really love me after I had been a total bitch to him by not even giving him the chance to explain himself and the fact that I also ignored him every time he tried getting in contact with me.  “Ella, are you even listening to me?”

“Izzy you can continue your rant later I promise but I just had a come to Jesus moment.  So if you will excuse me I have to make a call.”  I stood up and walked away from Izzy while dialing Harry’s number.  It went straight to voicemail…odd. 

I turned back around to face Izzy who was standing and packing back up her bag.  I started dialing Harry’s number again when Izzy yelled over to me, “Ella lets go the plane is about to board.”

I held my phone to my ear and listened to Harry’s voicemail for the second time.  After listening to his voice I carefully hung up and walked back to a waiting Izzy.  I placed my phone back into my purse.  I looked up at Izzy who had gotten the biggest smile on her face.  “Ready?”

“You bet!  New York here we come!!”

We started walking towards our gate.  After walking for a couple of minutes I looked at the screen that said what group was boarding.  “Izzy..?”

“Yeah what’s up?  Our group was just called.”

“Why does this say we are going to Belize?”

“Well how do I explain this…?”

“Izzy have you completely lost your mind?!  Do our parents know about this!  Oh my god we are going to get into so much trouble for just skipping out of the country.”

“ELLA CALM DOWN!!”  Izzy put her arm on my shoulder until I was no longer flailing my arms and was breathing at least somewhat normally.  “Okay one, our parents know so stop freaking out. Two, I have always wanted to go so when Harry asked me where we wanted to go I said Belize because I know you have wanted to go too.  Now if you still don’t want to come fine but I’m going.” 

“No I’m coming there is no way that I’m going to let you leave me here while you go out and have fun!”  We quickly hugged each other and made our way onto the plane. 

(A/N) First I am so sorry that it has taken me this long to update.  Things have been crazy with me between the play at my school and all of my homework, tests, and projects I have not had one moment to breath.  School ends in a week so after that I am going to have so much more time for writing and all that!  So please vote/comment/fan!  I love each and everyone of you!  Thanks babes! ;P

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