Chapter 6: Never Insult Your Friend But Never Let Your Friend Leave The House...

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(A/N) Hey babes! soi really wanted to update before school starts tomorrow so here isChapter 6! I will update later when this chapter get 10 votes and some comments! sorry to be asking for this but...ya... and for all those going back to school good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!

P.S. go check out @NightAngel1314 her new story is really good!

thanks babes


Chapter 6: Never insult your friend but never let your friend leave the house looking hideous. Find a better way to tell your friend how they look.

Ex: ‘I think your other jeans are nice’, ‘You should wear less eyeliner, you have great eyes’.

Waking up I looked around and there was Athena on my couch and Izzy in the middle of my room both still sound asleep. I looked at my phone to see what time it was only 9:30 how could I have gotten less than 5 hours of sleep? Looking around I couldn’t help but think about everything that had happened the night before. Meeting Harry and the rest of the boys was probably the best thing to ever happen. The icing on the cake that was last night was when Harry gave me his number and asked if we could start over for a second time. I couldn’t help smiling at the memory. The three of us talked up until right before the sun was coming up about the boys. Izzy couldn’t stop talking about Niall last night and how they had a connection that just couldn’t be denied. Athena and I didn’t say anything about it but instead laughed quietly to ourselves, Izzy hadn’t even said anything to the boys last night. She also was insistent that I call Harry and set up a date not between the two of us but between her and Niall. Athena had also told me to call him but instead to invite them for laser tag or paintballing. I had just laughed both of their suggestions off not even sure that I would even want to see Harry again.

I slowly got out of my bed trying not to make any noise, Izzy was the grumpiest in the morning if she didn’t get enough sleep, stepping around her and quietly opened my bedroom door. Making my way downstairs I walked into the kitchen grabbed a glass and filled it to the brim with orange juice. Opening up my phone I decided to text my mom to ask her to pick up some breakfast for us. Scrolling through my contacts right before I got to my mothers, smother as I call her, I was stopped at the one at the very top the last person I texted…Harry Styles. I didn’t remember texting him or even adding his number into my phone. Opening the text I knew automatically who had sent the text, Athena. She must have stolen my phone after I fell asleep and texted him she knew that I never would have had the guts to contact him so she felt the need to take matters into her own hands.

Me: Hey! It's Ella from the stop light, movie and grocery store.

Harry: Hey Love;)

Me: My friends and I were wondering if you boys wanted to have a little fun with us tomorrow? ;)

Harry: Depends on what you have in mind… :)

Me: Hahaha it's a surprise Styles, so ur free?

Harry: Yea sure

I spit out my orange juice reading this oh god what did Athena have in mind for today? I ran back into my room throwing open my room flipped on the lights and screamed. Athena shot up, “What the hell Ella?! Do you know what time it is?”

“Athena Story! What the fuck did you do last night and don’t bother lying to me!” Izzy had just sat up and was looking between us smiling. She obviously knows what Athena had done last night.

“Ok I texted Harry for you! I knew you wouldn’t have done it so I did it for you! And guess what we are hanging out with them today so you are welcome bitch! Now that I am up too want to text him and ask what time we should pick them up.” I didn’t have to text anyone because my phone started to ring, “Little Bird” by Ed Sheeran, I looked down and sighed.

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