Chapter 21: Females Are Always Obligated To...

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(A/N) Hey babes here is Chapter 21! I hope you enjoy it! I dont really have a ton of things I want to say right vote/comment/fan! love you guys! And look to the side to see Ella's outfit!



*December 22*

Ed Sheeran’s A Team was playing softly through my IPod speakers while I sat on my bed reading The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan.  School had just let out for Christmas break yesterday and I was already bored out of my mind. Izzy had gone to Maine to visit her grandparents and Athena well her parents had taken her out of school right after Thanksgiving break and sent her to live with her grandparents in California. No one had heard anything from her since she left.  My family had canceled our annual ski trip this year so that my brother was able to have surgery on his shoulder, which means I am stuck at home all break taking care of my brother.

I pulled out my phone and texted Izzy, ‘already bored…why did you have to leave me?’  I pressed send and almost instantly got a reply.

‘you really think I wanted to spend my Christmas with my family?!’  I laughed then continued reading my book.

It had started snowing the night before so we were going to be having the first white Christmas in over 15 years.  After what felt like 20 minutes I heard a light thud against my window.  I got off of my bed and opened my blinds to look down.  My window was covered in snow that could have only gotten there if someone had purposely thrown it.   I shook my head closed my blinds and walked back to my bed.  Right as sat down on my bed and opened my book I heard the same thud noise.  Sighing I got off of my bed grabbed my gray knit boots and went outside. 

As soon as I got outside and started walking towards the street I was pelted in the stomach by a snowball.  I looked down at my chest and screamed, “Are you kidding me!” I looked around for the culprit and saw a guy in a gray beanie laughing just across the street.  Thinking it was the boy across the street, aka pot boy, home for the holidays  I turned to go back into my house then right before I reached the steps to my house I turned around and looked at the boy again.  There was something oddly familiar about that laugh.  

Shaking my head I walked slowly across the street and when I reached him and saw the very soul piercing green eyes that I had been craving to see these last few weeks.  “Harry? Is that you?” He slowly nodded his head. “Harry! Oh my god!” I jumped into his arms and held on with all my strength hugging him. “What are you doing here? Not that I’m not excited to see you, but I thought you were spending Christmas with your family.”

Harry laughed lightly, “It’s nice to see you too love.”  I leaned my head against his forehead and stared into his eyes soaking in him being here.  “Do I not get a hello kiss?”

“Not with that attitude.”  I winked and kissed him on the check. He gave me a smirk and placed his lips on mine.  Standing in the middle of the street kissing I took my arms from around his neck and grabbed ahold of his beanie.  When I got it off of his head he stopped kissing me and gave me a quizzical look.

“What you threw snow at my window and now I am standing outside in the freezing weather! Not to mention that you also hit me in my stomach with a snowball.  You’re lucky that the only thing I am taking is your beanie.”  I stuck my tongue out and yanked his gray beanie on my head.   

“Well it does certainly look better on you.”  I giggled and leaned in to give him another kiss.

“Ok not going to lie I am freezing my ass off right now so can we please go inside? I’ll even make you a cup of hot coco.”

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