Chapter 20: It Is Your Womanly Right To Take....

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(A/N) Hola babes I feel like it took me forever to write this chapter…but here it is! I also feel like I am starting to drag my feet with the story…so I am about to skip to Christmas time and then so on…I will tell you what time of the year it is from now on. Also this chapter is dedicated to BeautifulVick because last night we had an epic conversation about tattoo’s and piercings. She is beyond cool and I loved talking to her!


(Excerpt from SugarScape)

“Breaking News: Sparks fly for One Direction’s Harry Styles during a trip to the states! Does this teen heartthrob have an American gf?! We have the have never before seen pictures of the happy couple that shows they are more than ‘just friends’!”

‘Harry Styles has been causing girls to swoon since before 1D placed third on the X-Factor UK, but does this heartthrob finally have a girlfriend, an American one at that? From what are eyes are seeing, from recent photos, he certainly does and this relationship is anything but casual.

The girl that is responsible for capturing Harry’s heart is an 18 year old high school student named, Ella Poore. The couple has been tweeting one another nonstop, since the boys’ last visit to the states, and more recently going out to casual dinners and romantic walks in the park. It’s reported that Harry and the other 1D boys even flew in to the states so that Harry was able attend her senior homecoming dance. Hazza is just too sweet!

Ella Poore has already even taken some hate from fans but she’s not letting it get her down. Instead she took to her twitter and tweeted all the haters a picture of her and her friend Izzy Taylor telling them that they forgot to mention that she is also short. This was in response to one fan telling her that she is a ‘fat bitch’. From other photo’s we are able to say that she has style and isn’t ready to give up without a fight.

Let us know if what you think of the new romance! Will it last or is Harry just having some fun in the states?’


The rest of October passed in a bit of a blur, the boys had gone back to England a few weeks ago and since then Izzy and I had been constantly chatting with them all while Athena…well she had for the most part had dropped off the face of the earth.

She had stopped coming out on the weekend with Izzy and I, in fact the only time she left her house was to go to school. Then when she was at school she never would speak or look at anyone not that, that didn’t stop people from attempting to strike up a conversation with her. The first week, after the dance, when anyone tried talking to her she would shut down and only respond with one word answers, after that no one even tried talking to her.

Athena wasn’t herself anymore in fact she was just a former shell of who she used to be and there was nothing anyone could do to help save her. Izzy and I had been calling her every day until one day she just told us to stop calling and that when she was ready to talk she would call us, this conversation had taken place two weeks ago and we hadn’t heard back from her since.

Trimester 1 exams were right before Thanksgiving break and Izzy and I had been putting off studying for as long as we possibly could; don’t get us wrong we had our reasons for not studying. First, right before the boys left to go back to England we were spending as much time as possible with Harry and Niall causing school too pretty much took a backseat, that was until Izzy’s mom called mine and complained about her grades slipping thus causing us to have ‘study dates’. Our ‘study dates’ consisted of Niall and Harry strumming on a guitar singing and eating while Izzy and I tried to focus on philosophy, let’s just say it ended with Izzy and I getting distracted and giving up on studying. Secondly, we really didn’t want to study because we just didn’t feel like doing it. But the most important reason was right after the boys left Izzy and I had been dealing with people constantly sending me hate.

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