Chapter 5:Every Girl Must Wait At Least A Day And A Half Before...

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(A/N) Hey! Here is the next chapter! hope everyone enjoys it! comment, vote,and fan! Also tell your loved ones about this and even just random people you meet on the street! Seeing as school is about to start I have no clue when the next time I will be able to update but it will probably be next weekend! My school is trying to screw me over this year! But oh well I am going to stop rambling like a weirdo!

Much love babes! ;D

p.s. I dedicated this to @thesamemistakes because I have been unable to put down her story "Picture This (Niall Horan)"


Girl Rule 5: Every girl must wait at least a day and a half before calling a guy whose number she has retrieved.

I picked up the magazine with Harry’s face on it staring at it the eyes, hair, everything my god it really was Harry Styles. Izzy leaned over my shoulder to see what I was holding, “Hey Ella isn’t that the guy from the mall?” Izzy asked also looking at the magazine. I nodded while staring at Harry’s face. Izzy yelled, “ATHENA GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW! I THINK ELLA HAS GONE INTO SHOCK!”

Athena showed up saying, “What?” She took a glance at the magazine in my hands that Izzy was pointing at and screamed, “MY GOD HARRY STLYES WAS LYING ON TOP OF YOU AND WE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT WAS HIM?! That means the annoying boys who sat in front of us during the movie is ONE DIRECTION! AND TO THINK WE CALL OURSELVED DIRECTIONERS! AHHHH!” Athena had entered her full on fan girling mindset.

I was pulled out my daze right as Athena screamed. The night manager walked over to see why we were being so load, “Excuse me ladies, but I am going to have to ask you to please lower your voices and leave as quickly as possible.”

“Sorry sir we will be leaving as soon as we pay for our items. Again I’m sorry.” Izzy grabbed the magazine out of my hands and pulled me towards the self-checkout she started scanning the items while I paid for it. I had become like a walking zombie. We all grabbed the groceries and started to make our way to the door.

Athena had grabbed my purse and was reaching into it for my keys she unlocked my 2008 Food Escape when we finally reached it. I loved my car but I wasn’t like those people who named there car but I still love it.

Placing all the candy, sodas, and ice-cream into my trunk I closed it and looked around that’s when I noticed a bright red jeep. The same red jeep from earlier when Izzy and I were driving around and then again at the parking garage at the mall. I froze in my tracks looking up as it drove by us. “Athena?! Izzy?! Does that jeep look familiar to you?”

“Ella I think you’re going into shock or something from everything that has happened today.”

“No Izzy I am positive that I have seen that jeep twice today! Athena you believe me right? There can’t be that many bright red jeeps!” I sounded like I was losing my mind and I very may have been but at this point I just didn’t care I had to see Harry again for some unknown reason. I started walking towards the jeep with the five boys in it.

“Ella! Come back they aren’t worth it right now! You’re parents are going to kill us if we stay out any later!” Ignoring Izzy I kept walking over the jeep with Athena following close behind me.

I turned around to face Izzy and yelled, “Izzy you may not approve but still haven’t you always wanted to meet One Direction? Now may be the only chance we ever get! Come on live a little!” She knew I was right and started jogging towards me.

“Fine your right but I am not taking the blame for this!”

“That a girl Izzy way to live a little. Besides my parents won’t blame you they love you.”

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