Chapter 13: Never Trust A Bitch With Your Texts

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(A/N) hola babes! so here is the newest chapter I hope you enjoy it and if not well then ahh to you! Moving on something sad happened to me...I dropped my phone yesterday and my screen shattered :( so now I have to go spend $99to get it fixed! But a good thing happened to me yesterday also! I GOT ED SHEERAN TICKETS FOR JANUARY!! :) Right I am rambling again...well go read the chapter then vote/comment/fan and tell those you love about this story (and even people you dont love). Thanks babes ;D


p.s. go check out the video to the side!!


We were able to get through the rest of the game without the boys being mobbed by hundreds of screaming girls. We had only accomplished this by having Athena and I make three separate runs to get both food and drinks for all five of the boys during the last half of the game. During our final run to the concession stand we had missed one of the biggest turnovers in the game. So as punishment we didn’t talk to the boys for half of the fourth quarter. Which turned out not to go over very well, when Harry kept holding my hand and looking at me with those deep green eyes that I loved. “You know it’s hard for me to be mad at you when you keep looking at me like that!”

Harry laughed at that and continued to hold my hand through the rest of the game while whispering things in my ear about, ‘how cute I got when I got excited.’

The game finally ended and in true Louis style he stood up and started to pace back and forth in the isle we were occupying. “I am so bored! Can we please go already?”

I rolled my eyes and looked at Athena how had been looking very uneasy for the last fifteen minutes. She had refused to make eye contact with Zayn.

“Yea go for it Louis let us know how that goes.” Athena replied rolling her eyes.

I shoot Athena a sharp look and then looked to Louis and calmly told him, “Just sit down and wait a few more minutes traffic is going to suck getting out of here so we can either hang in here for a couple more minutes or sit in traffic? Which will it be?”

Louis sat down with a huff. “Fine but I want ice-cream!”

I nodded my head at him and as I was about to respond Athena yelled out, “You are such a drama queen Louis!”

I shot up from Harry’s lap to look at my best friend. “Athena Story!”

“What?! It’s true he has done nothing the entire time we have known him but complain and insult us! I am getting sick and tired of it!”

I pulled Harry’s arms off of me and went to and grabbed Athena’s arm and pulled her down the row away from the boys until I knew we were out of earshot from them. “What the fuck is going on Athena?”


“Bullshit! That is absolute bullshit and you know it! Why did you go ape shit on Louis just now? Now tell me what is really going on with you.”

“It’s nothing Ella.”

“Are you sure?”

She just looked at me and then at the ground then back at me again unsure of what to say. “Fine you don’t have to tell me now but just know we are not done talking about this. Oh and you should apologize to Louis about what you said. I know he is being a pain in the ass but Harry told me he is going through a lot right now and that we should just give him a little slack, ok.”

She nodded her head and started to walk back to the boys with me right on her heels. She walked by the boys not bothering to look at any of them and when she finally reached the end of the isle made a quick turn on her heels to face us. I had gotten to Harry at this point and he had wrapped his arm around my waist pulling my back against his chest so that I was able to rest my head against him. Athena gave us the biggest smile that clearly stated, ‘I am up to no good and there is nothing you can do about it.’ and pulled out her phone. Pointing it at us she yelled, “Smile bitches!”

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