Chapter 23: A Girl Has A Right To...

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(A/N) I feel like no one reads these...but oh well.  I hope you enjoy this chapter! please please please please please please vote/comment/fan (fan if you haven't)!  I love reading what y'all have to say and I want to hear from y'all more! Also please take a look at Ella and Izzy's outfits on the side!  Ok I think I'm done ranting right now!


p.s. if you actually read my A/N than comment your favorite color and I will dedicate a chapter to you!


“Oh my god what are you doing here?!” I ran to my best friend how was walking out of a room with Niall right behind her.

“I’m here for New Year. You really think I would have let you come to England without me? What kind of friend would I be if that was the case?”

I started laughing, “A horrible friend.” We hugged each other and squealed again. The boys had sat down on the couch and were watching the exchange between us. I let go of Izzy and glanced over at a laughing Harry. “Styles what are you laughing at?”

“Nothing babe, I just can’t help but laugh at how adorable you are.”

I stuck my tongue out at him and when he saw it he got off the couch and walked slowly towards me. “Harry…what are you doing?” He kept walking towards me without saying anything. I took a few steps back still watching Harry unsure of what he was going to do. “You know I was kidding right? Harry?” I turned and started running down a hallway not sure of where I was running too I found an open door and slammed it shut. I leaned against the door with all my weight and I could hear everyone laughing while someone fiddled with the door knob.

“Come on love I promise I won’t bite, hard.”

“Then why the hell were you chasing me?”

“Harry, Ella is one stubborn bitch who won’t admit she is wrong. The only way you’re going to get her out of that room within the next hour is if you use force and carry her out.”

WHAT? Did my best friend really just rat me out? I slowly stopped leaning against the door and went to stand on the opposite side. As soon as I got over there the door slammed open and Harry, Niall, and Louis were all on the floor in the door way. I slowly waved and ran over there laying bodies. I ran out of the front door and down a flight of stairs. I knew that they wouldn’t have known where I was so I stopped running and just started skipping. I skipped around for a while until I skipped right into a hard chest.

“Oh my god I am so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going and I-”

“Ella is that you?”

I looked up to the person I had skipped into and smiled, Liam. I smiled and threw my arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug. “Liam! Ah I have missed you!”

He started laughing but hugged me back none the less. “I’ve missed you too Ella. How was your flight?”

“It was really good.”

“Hate to intrude but what were you doing skipping around the building?”

“Well you see apparently everyone knew but me that Izzy was coming here too! So when I saw her I freaked out and Harry laughed at me so I stuck my tongue out at him. He then proceeded to chase me and I finally got away by running out of the front door and well here we are now.”

“So Harry is chasing you?”

“Yeah Liam didn’t I just say that? Are you feeling alright? Do we need to go and get your ears checked?”

The Girl Code (a 1D story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant