Chapter 89: Brother Against Brother

Start from the beginning

Their fighting skills were identical as one of them barely harmed the other but luckily for Prometheus, he has his advanced high-tech helmet to analyze Batman's fighting skills and counter his attacks.

Prometheus was getting the upper hand as he managed to hit Batman multiple times. As Batman yelled in pain from the Shock Gloves, he kicked Prometheus on the chest on the chest away from him.

Batman fired his Batclaw as the cable was strapped around Prometheus' arm. Prometheus pulled the cable sending Batman towards him. Prometheus managed to grab Batman on the neck with one arm.

PROMETHEUS: You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment!

BATMAN: (*grunt) What are you planning to do? Talk me to death?

PROMETHEUS: Actually, I thought I BEAT you to death.... right in front of your kid.

Prometheus used his free arm to punch Batman on the face sending him to the ground. Dennis and Winnie gasped in shock seeing Batman was in a bad position right now.

They were both brothers once, but now faith decided to change their history together.

PROMETHEUS: And that's for what your family did to my mine!

BATMAN: That wasn't my fault.

PROMETHEUS: Wasn't your fault!? They never would've been killed by the police if Mike and Linda hadn't expose they really are!

BATMAN: They were corrupt, Adrian. Stole money from the innocents and kills them, but we never intended to kill them!

PROMETHEUS: That won't change the past. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be the man I am today. So in return, I'm going to kill your entire family, starting with your son and his werewolf friend.

Dennis and Winnie were now terrified that they might die today. Batman clenched his fist in anger for threatening Dennis and Winnie's lives.

Batman quickly threw an explosive Batarang right at Prometheus' face as it destroyed his helmet revealing his face when it exploded, some attack that he didn't saw it coming. Batman aggressively destroyed and removed Prometheus' Shock Gloves.

When Prometheus was now vulnerable, Batman used all of his rage to land brutal punches on him as blood spilled from his mouth. Due to his anger, Batman broke Prometheus' right arm and kicked his left knee.

Prometheus screamed in pain while Batman continued punching with brute force. When Prometheus was barely keeping his balance, Batman punched him multiple times in the chest and stomach, an uppercut below the chin, and another punch on the face.

Prometheus fell to the ground while his back rested against the wall and was too weak to stand up.

Batman sighed in exhaustion and immediately freed Dennis and Winnie. The two children hugged Batman and removed his cowl to hug him back.

JOHNNY: It's okay... it's okay.... you're safe now.

When Johnny turns around, he saw Prometheus on the ground coughing in blood suffering in pain and removed the remaining pieces of his helmet from his head.

Johnny slowly approached to him while Dennis and Winnie stayed behind him.

JOHNNY: (*sigh) I know you lost your parents that night because of us and I'm sorry.... please, let me save you now.

ADRIAN: (*cough) You can't save anymore, Johnny. You won. You have your son back, and he learned exactly who his father was, just like you learned your father was a Van Helsing right here... in this castle.

Adrian tried got back up on his feet but his pain was weighing him down.

ADRIAN: Dennis is younger than you were, so he's gonna be fine, you know? And you have each other. Which is good, Johnny. Because it's gonna be lonely... without his grandparents and his mother.

JOHNNY: What have you done?

Johnny now has terrified look on his face worrying about Dracula, Martha, and Mavis. Prometheus weakly chuckled while grabbing his pistol from his belt and placed it on his head.

ADRIAN: The better question is, 'what have YOU done?'. You've brought this madness to your family and now they're going to pay the price.


Adrian pulled the trigger of his gun as the blood spilled on the wall killing himself.

Johnny was so devastated that he wasn't able to save his childhood friend. Dennis and Winnie buried their face on Johnny's chest from the violent scene.

When the human-monster heard a gunshot and entered the ballroom, Winnie ran to her parents and hugged while Dennis approached to his uncles and aunts.

ALFRED: Johnny, what happened?

JOHNNY: I.... I couldn't save him, Alfred.... I didn't save Adrian.

Johnny knelt down starring at Adrian's dead body in devastation shedding a few tears. Everyone gasped in horror when they saw Adrian lying on the pool of blood.

JOHNNY: Alfred.... get everyone to the evacuation area safely.... after that, head to the Batcave and prep the machine....

ALFRED: What are you going to do?

JOHNNY: I'm going to find Drac and Mavis.... just be ready.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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