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I heard the door being close slowly. I know he didn't want to wake me up. Talking about wake me up, I actually awake this whole time. I just...don't want to face him. I heard everything. I heard every single words. 

He...protect me. He treat my wounds. He did that...because he love me? Is that true? He betrayed me, there is no way he love me. I let out a heavy sigh. Suddenly, the door open. It reveal a girl with tray of food. 

"What is this?" I asked. That girl take a plate and dig in. She about to feed me.

"Woah, what is happening?" 

"Miss, Mr Park want me to give you this food. Please don't be to loud. Mr Bang might know this." she said. I frowned.

"Mr Park? " Well, there's a lot of of people name Park here. Including me. 

"You don't know? Mr Park Jimin. He asked me to do this secretly from Mr bang. " she said. What....

"He notice that you being skinny this lately. So he suspect that Mr Bang didn't give you some food." she said. 

Jimin does that? Really? That girl feed me but I don't have any choice but eat. It delicious.

"Mr Jimin ask Mr Jin to make some for you. He also tell me that he helped Mr Jin to made it. Is it delicious, Miss?" she asked.

I keep eat when she feed me. I don't know what to say. Please don't tell me it lied. Please don't tell me it not dream. 

"Omo!! Miss, you crying!!" that girl wiped my tears in panic. I think Jimin warn her about something. 

I'm too sad and touch. I don't what is wrong with me. Tears keep dripping from my face.

"It too....d-delicious..." that girl smile and keep feeding me. 

"Mr Jimin is sure so in love with you, Miss." she said.

As she said that, I burst into tears. I hope I can hug him right now. I miss him. I miss the old us. God, please....help get through this....we just want to be together and happy.

"Can..y-you hug m-me?" that girl smile and nods. She put away the plate and hug me. She comfort me and stroke my hair. 


I close the door and went to the kitchen. I put the bag on the table. 

"You late today. What's wrong? You give her the food?" Jin asked. He sit in front of me.

"I'm went to the park to clear my mind. Actually, it not me." 

"Then?" he asked.

"I asked some help from the co-worker there." 

"You think you can trust them?" Jin asked.

"I have to. I already told her not to tell someone else." 

"Well, why you didn't want to give it by yourself?" Jin asked. I sigh. I let out a sad chuckles. Knowing that she hate me already. She wouldn't like to see my face again. 

"She hate me. She wouldn't like if I'm near her. Better I take care of her from afar." 

Jin sigh. He stand up and get some food. I think he want to make dinner. 

"You tortured yourself." said Jin.

"I deserved it, hyung. I make a wrong move. A move that...will separated us forever. I can't turn back anymore." I felt tears started to run down. 

"B-But...at least, I got treat h-her wounds and see her face closely to mind. I got touch her cheeks also....it make me happy though." 

"You're not..." said Jin as he face me. I chuckles and wiped my tears off. 

"As long as she happy, hyung. I will be happy for her." 

"How you know she's happy? How if she's not? Do you think you will be happy forever seeing her like that?" Jin asked.

What he say is true. 
"Hyung, I know she's happy. I know it." 

"How if....one day....." Jin hesitated to say it. I look at him in curious.

"You....have to kill her?" I look at him with blank then smile appeared on my face.

"I rather die for her. Maybe I'm not a suitable guy for her." 

I know Jin notice my smile is not smile. It sad..smile. But it true though. If I have to kill her one day, I rather die for her. As long as she can find her true life. I probably not for her and she probably not for me.


"Thank you." I bowed at her using my head. She nods. 

"It okay. Mr Jimin also helping me before this. My family almost lose their life but Mr Jimin and their friends helping us. They did that without Mr Bang order or permission. I owe them." she said with smile. 

"They're nice." 

"Yup. Anyway, I have to go. My shift is done. See you tomorrow Miss." she bowed and I smile. She take away the tray and went out.

Jimin...is a nice people. The boys...did a good things. All of them...is sure nice. What saw here is...we have to be enemy with them. So pathetic.....


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