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All of us rush to go to the first ground.
"Time to go, guys." said Jisoo.
"Rose, where are you?" Jin asked.
"It hard running with this heels you know!!!!" said Rose.

I'm secretly laughed. Then, I saw Rose from a far. We stare at each other then-


A gun shoot being heard.
"We're being attacked!! Run!!" yelled Hoseok. I take a cover and peeked. There's a lot of guys in mask holding a gun. Who are they?
"Namjoon!! What is happening!!??" Jin asked.
"I don't know!!" said Namjoon.

Weird. Who are they...again?
"Jimin!! Focus!!" said Jennie. I snapped out from my minds.
"This is suck. Who are they!? What are they doing here!?" Lisa asked.
"Girls, just go. We will back up all of you." said Yoongi.
"Got it." they said.

I watched Rose carefully, just in case she in troubles. Soon, she out, Jin order us to went out also. We went to our van but-

"Rose!!!" yelled Jisoo. I turn my head to see Rose on the ground.
"Arghh..." she whined. I rush to her.
"All of you get in the car!! I'll get her!!" they obey me and I do my work. I kneel down, Yoongi and Hoseok cover us.
"Rose!! What happened!? Did you got shot!?" I become panic.
"I'm not. My ankle..." she said as she hold her ankle. Oh yeah...her ankle still a little bit sore.
"We have to go. Hyung, back up me."
"Anytime, Jimin." said Yoongi and Hoseok.

I bring Rose like a bride style and get in the car. I can feel Rose looking at me but I'm not looking at her back.


All of us breathing heavily. It tired....
"Who are those guys??" Jennie asked.
"Doesn't matter. Where is the diamond?" Namjoon asked.

I heard Rose gasp.
"I...I lost it..." said Rose. All of us looking at her with wide eyes.
"WHAT!?" we yelled. At first, she look down then we heard giggles turn into laughter.
"Ahahahahahaha!!! You guys should see your reaction!! It hilarious!!" she laughed as she hold her stomach.
"It not funny, Rose!!!" groaned Jungkook. I rolled my eyes and pinched her cheeks.
"Ow ow ow, it hurt~" whined Rose.

They chuckles with our actions.
"Stop fooling around." I let go of her and she puffed her cheeks.
"I'm just playing...anyway, here." she give the diamond to Namjoon.
"Now, the only left is the fourth and the fifth diamond." said Namjoon.
"Ughhh, it tiring. I don't think I can hold it anymore." groaning Taehyung.
"You such a lazy boy..." mumbled Jennie.
"I heard it, Jen." said Tae.
"I want you to heard it anyway." said Jennie.

Tae poke her waist and she startled.
"Yah!!" said Jennie. Tae smirked and start to tickled Jennie. Now, it become cheerful atmosphere. Smile appeared at my face. They can bickering and fighting anytime but...they comfortable with each other.



I sit at the couch while staring at my ankle. I thought it already heal. I let out a heavy sigh. Then, something hit me. Who are those guys before?

Is it...a same guy who warning me? Without let me think deeply, my phone ringing. I take it and saw unknown number...again?

"How was your ankle?" Yoongi asked as he sit at the couch. I decline the call.
"Better. Jin and Jisoo said I have to put ice pack on it. So, Jimin is on his way to get it."
"Hm." Yoongi replied. It silence. I think he just finished his shower. I stare at my ankle and didn't know what to talk about with Yoongi. He and me...are not really good....

"Hey.." he suddenly break the silence. I look at him.
"What?" he look at me with...no emotion. Yoongi always like that. So, I already use to it.
"Why you still work with YG? Why you don't betrayed him like how you betrayed our company a long time ago." said Yoongi. My mood dropped soon he asked that.
"Why you always bring up that subject?" my jaw clenched.
"Why? Is it bothering you?" Yoongi asked.
"Since I met you, we never get along. Everytime we're alone, you always..."
"Always what?" he asked.
"I want to ask you. Did you just act this whole time?"
"Act what?" Yoongi asked.
"Act nice to us."
"I just can't...stop thinking that you are from our company a long time ago." said Yoongi.
"So? It not your business. I'm out. I'm quit. It done. I don't want to talk about it. Can you stop?"

He staring at me. His eyes is...empty but my eyes...full of rage. My focus only him. Yoomgi is different from others.

"Don't let Jimin know about it." said Yoongi. I frowned.
"Just...don't." said Yoongi. What's he talking about? I about to ask again but-

"Don't tell me what?"


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