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I looking at the wall while thinking. I don't know why today I felt like..something is coming. My heart beating so fast this lately. As I staring at the wall, the door open and light hit my eyes.

"Mmm.." I closed my eyes to get used of this light. Suddenly-


Wait. That voice. It familiar. I open my eyes and lifted my gaze. It...him. Park Jimin. He standing in front of me.

"Rose, I come here to visit with you." said Jimin. A guy who betrayed me, a guy who help to kidnapped me, a guy who help to trick me, a guy who hurt me and lastly...a guy who I still in love. 

"Is Mr Bang do something to you? Your lips have a little bit blood." Jimin about to touch her face but Rose turn her head to the side. 

"Don't touch me you, betrayer." he look stunned by my words. 

"I never know you. " 

"Why you say t-that?" Jimin asked. I scoffed.

"Why? Well, let see. Who trying Mr Bang to kidnapped me?" I asked in sarcasm. 

"Rose, I didn't mean it. That time I'm in....mix feeling." said Jimin. 

"No need to say sorry though. You have right to do so." I try to hold my tears.

"What you mean I have right to do so!? It a wrong move!! I shouldn't do that!!!" yelled Jimin. 

"You are not wrong because...we're enemy after all. " 

Soon I said that, Jimin didn't say anything. I look at him and tears run down on his face. I have to act strong. Act strong Rose!!

"We don't have any special relationship. We're enemy. That's why I said you have right to do so. Well, you didn't kidnapped me or not, we still going to meet each other soon. 5th diamond is out there. I rather died than live in this cruel world that keep torturing me. " 

"I don't want to see your face anymore. I hate you. I never have a betrayer like you. You are nothing but...a betrayer." I added. 

"A B-Betrayer?" Jimin said. I look down.

"Just go, Jimin. Please...don't make me yelling..." I warn him. He didn't move. 

"Then, are you going to kill me if you're not being tied up here?" Jimin asked. My eyes widen. That question is the question that I hate the most. 

"Are you?" Jimin asked. I can't say yes and I can't say no. Then, what answered? I bite my lips.

"Rose, if we are enemy, we already stabbing each other until died from earlier. You don't know what I felt all this time whenever with you." said Jimin. He kneel down and his hands on my knee. 

"You change me. I actually have to kill you but...I don't know why I can't. Seeing your face make me...hold myself." added Jimin. 

"We can't be together, Jimin. We can't. We're born as enemy. I'm wrong. I should kill you when I have times." I accidentally sobbing. 

"No. Like I said, you can't. " said Jimin.

"HOW YOU KNOW THAT I CAN'T!!??" I yelled.

"Because....if you can, you already kill me from start we're living together." said Jimin. I slowly look at him and he look at me with full of...no. Don't buy it. He's lying!!!

"You are liar, Jimin. Please go..." 

"I'm not lying-" I interrupted him. 

"JUST GO!!!!" I yelled. He silence. 

It take a few seconds for him to move. He stand up and went out without any single glance or words. Soon the door closed, I bursts into tears. I cry so hard and let it out.

"Ughh!!! This is stu*id!!!!!" I yelled.


I leaned my back on the door. I can heard she's crying and yelling. Without me notice, tears run down on my face. I just want to tell you Rose that I...I love you....I don't know why it so hard. I know I'm doing a wrong move. Please forgive me.... I need your forgiveness. It okay if you hate me but just...forgive me is enough. 

I want this to stop....


I going home at night. Not too late. I went to the park just to relaxing my mind for awhile. I open the door and being welcomed with flying pillow. It hit my face.

"Jimin is home!!" yelled Hoseok. I look at them with confused.

"What is going on?" 

"We want to watched some movie. Come on." said Jin. 

"Why so sudden?" I asked.

"Well, we know we're sad right now so...being happy one in awhile didn't wrong right?" Yoongi asked. I smile and join them. I don't want my negative aura to disturbed them. 

"Fine then." I grab my pillow and hugged it. 

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked. I smile and nods.

If I say not, the movie night wouldn't going so well. I just need to keep it for myself. 


I hugged my pillow and cry like there is no tomorrow. Jennie and Lisa in their own room. We just need a privacy time. After what happened, we didn't even have interaction with each other. Jin words keep repeated in my mind.

The way he hold my gun and point it to his chest make me scared. I can't kill him....I just can't. Then, I heard a knock. The door open and reveal Lisa.

"Unnie, let's have dinner together." said Lisa. 

"I thought you girls in your own room." 

"Well, we can't be like this forever. I'm sure if Rose was here, she will angry at us because starving ourselves. " said Lisa. I know she miss Rose. I wondered where is she right now? Is she fine? Please be fine Rose...

"Unnie!!" Lisa call. I flinched.

"You in a deep thought. I don't what you're thinking of but I'm sure Rose is fine. Jennie Unnie also worried about her." said Lisa.

"I hope she's fine...." Lisa smile and nods.

"She will...." said Lisa. Suddenly, we got call from Jennie.

"GIRLS!! IT TIME TO EAT!!! MOVE YOUR ASS NOW!!!!" yelled Jennie. We exchange look and laughed.

"Let's go. Today, Jennie is our chef. " said Lisa. I chuckles.

 We maybe happy but we have to. Be happy once in awhile is not wrong. We can't be sad all the time because...we may be apart. Even we feel not complete.





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