Perparing for One Direction

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"Yes!" He said clearly frightened.

"Good!" I said releasing him from the wall, walking back over to Laura.

"Laura, I'm sorry," Jerry said and she nodded as I wiped her tears away.

"Ok well, let's get filming." Jerry said.

In the middle of their filming I got a call from Riker.


"Ross, thank god I didn't think you would answer," Riker said.

"So what's up?"

"Well, we are out of formula for Romeo and he won't stop crying."

"Crap, I'm on my way!"

I then rushed home grabbing Romeo's formula and rushed to my family's house.

I walked inside to see Riker trying to calm Romeo down.

"I got it," I said taking Romeo from Riker and feeding him.

"Thank you!" Riker, Ryland, and Rocky said.

"Where is Mom and Dad?"

"Shopping," all the guys replied and I nodded.

"So, how was Romeo?" I asked.

"He cried a lot," Ryland said and I laughed.

"That's what babies do," I said.

"I bet you and Laura had fun last night," Rocky said with a smirk on his face making me laugh.

"Oh come on we had more then fun,"

All us guys laughed.

I ended up staying for about 2 hours then I decided to take Romeo home. Sense it was about 1 and it's almost Romeo's nap time so I guess I can give him a bath. I then went into the bathroom and turned on the bath. Right when I did Romeo got a big smile on his face.

"Bath time,"

I then put on my swim trucks and stripped Romeo naked and I got in the bath with him.

"BAAAAAGHA!" Romeo screamed splashing the water making me laugh.

"Hi buddy!" I said with a big smile on my face making him smile.

I then blew raspberries on his stomach making him giggle.

"Hey Ross,"

I looked over and saw Ryland.

"How did you get in here?!" I asked.

"Laura let me in." Ryland said and my eyes widened.

"Laura's home?!" I asked.

"Yea," Ryland said.

"Yea! I was her ride!" I said.

"Oh damn," Ryland said and I sighed.

"Anyways, I was wondering if I could borrow your skateboard? I lost mine."

"Go ahead. It's in the living room by the bookshelf."

"Thanks." Ryland said and left.

I kept playing with Romeo then Laura came in.

"Romeo!" Laura said with a smile. Romeo then looked at Laura and smiled.

"Laura, I'm sorry," I said.

"Rossy, it's ok."

"Who took you home?" I asked.

"Jon, and he was really sweet because he lives 15 minutes away from where we film but from our house it takes him 30 minutes to get home."

"That was nice," I said and Laura smiled.

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora