Now What?

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A/N: Please note that other triggering content (self-harm and suicide will be discussed) throughout the story. Please be forewarned and take precautions if these are troubling for you.

A/N: Violence towards a primary character is mentioned/discussed in this chapter. Please be forewarned if that is troubling for you.

I just wanted to thank everyone for the reviews and votes. My muse and I both appreciate it.

This is still, as of now, planned to be a fairly long, multi-part story, but if y'all aren't into it...I'll wrap it up soon.

And and votes keep me and my muse motivated...especially if they're positive!!!

***More drama and more secrets revealed***

I hope you enjoy this latest chapter...Now on with the show!!!


"I have all the emotions that everyone has; it just appears that I don't." ~ Steven Wright

"Your emotions are very unstable and should never be the foundation for direction in your life." ~ Joyce Meyer


Chapter 54

Quietly closing the door behind them, Chance and Summer turn to head into Emily's room, only to bump into Dr. Hayes as she is closing the door behind her.

"Oh...good. I'm glad I ran into you both. I wanted to let you know that I just got your mom settled in after her tests. I'll be back in a few minutes to check on her, and one of the nurses will be down shortly to change some of her bandages as well."

"How did the tests go? Did you find out anything?" Summer questions.

"You'll have to discuss that with your mom. Remember that she asked me not to discuss anything specific about her medical condition with anyone but her, and until she lets me know that has changed, I have to respect that request."

"You can't tell us anything?" Chance replies.

"Just that you will need to keep your conversations to a minimum tonight...your mom's throat is bothering her quite a bit right now. I advised her to try and not talk too much tonight if possible to prevent agitating her throat anymore. Otherwise, I can't really tell you anything else. But if you can convince your mom to change her mind about releasing information to someone, then that can change. Until then, I have to respect her request. I am sorry."

"Why does she have to be so damn stubborn?" Summer directs her question towards Chance, clearly frustrated.

Sensing the frustration, and not wanting to add to it further, Dr. Hayes starts to leave, but adds "I'll be back shortly, and I'll send Emily's charge nurse down in a little bit as well" before walking away towards the nursing station.

"You know as well as I do how mom can get." Chance answers, watching Dr. Hayes make her hasty retreat down the hall. "And we can't blame Dr. Hayes either. She's just doing what mom asked her to do."

"Speaking of mom...what do we do now? Do we tell her that everyone knows about Kasey and Logan?" Summer tentatively asks Chance.

"I think we're going to have to. If we don't...JJ might...or someone else from her team. And when she starts to remember everything...they might have questions for her. We also need to make her realize that because of everything she did...they're now safe. No one will be looking for them...or trying to use them...hurt get to her. She doesn't have to keep them...or us...a secret anymore."

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