Another Quick Update

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Quick Update

I just wanted to post a quick update for everyone. First, just like before...I really didn't abandon the story, and will hopefully be getting another chapter up soon. I apologize again for the extremely long delay in posting another chapter, but unfortunately, it really could not be helped. Shortly after posting the last couple of chapters, I had another setback with my COVID stuff, and have had some trouble getting over all of that. It has just taken me some time to recover enough to post anything. Though I am still on the road to fully recovering, I am starting to feel well enough to take another stab (no pun intended) at writing again.

For those of you that are still interested and wanting to read more, I look forward to hearing from all of you and reading your comments. Hopefully over the next few weeks, you will continue to bear with me as I work on writing and editing the next few chapters, and please forgive any potential brain fog or typos, as that is a distinct possibility (something I've noticed seems to be happening more and more, along with being tired and somewhat grumpy all of the time).

I look forward to being able to start regularly updating again, but given it is just me typing and editing the story, it may be a little bit before I can do that again. Just please be patient. If you are all still interested in the story, I will do my best to continue the story and complete it as I had originally intended.

Thanks again for all the amazing compliments you all have posted and for everyone's support! I really appreciate it! Again, the next chapter will hopefully be up soon, and I hope you all enjoy it.  

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