Lost Days

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A/N: Please note that other triggering content (self-harm and suicide will be discussed) throughout the story. Please be forewarned and take precautions if these are troubling for you.

A/N: Violence towards a primary character is mentioned/discussed in this chapter. Please be forewarned if that is troubling for you.

I just wanted to thank everyone for the reviews and votes. My muse and I both appreciate it.

This is still, as of now, planned to be a fairly long, multi-part story, but if y'all aren't into it...I'll wrap it up soon.

And remember...reviews and votes keep me and my muse motivated...especially if they're positive!!!

***More drama and more secrets revealed***

I hope you enjoy this latest chapter...Now on with the show!!!


"One of the strangest aspects of living with certain kinds of memory loss is knowing that the forgetting is happening." ~ Floyd Skloot

"Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering." ~ Paulo Coelho


Chapter 46

I continue pacing back and forth in the hall and the minutes tick by. The longer the doctor is in with Emily without updating us...the more nervous I'm getting. What if something was wrong that I didn't notice?

I realized after we all left that she didn't really look at me except when she gave me that look of confusion right before we all left.

I know Reid said she wouldn't be able to talk because of the tube in her throat. But what if she still doesn't talk even after they take that out? She wasn't talking when she came in.

Whatever Lucas did to her caused her to hide inside of herself so far...I thought she might never come back. What if she's still hiding?

"What's taking so long?" Summer asks.

"Dr. Hayes just needed to run a few tests on your mom sweetie. Hopefully it won't be much longer." I reply.

God...I really hope it won't be much longer. I don't know how much longer I can wait.

"You're nervous too...aren't you?" Summer asks me.

"I just want your mom to be okay sweetie...and I've really missed being able to see her and talk to her...that's all." I reply.

"Are you sure that's all there is to it?" Chance asks.

"It's just that your mom was a little quiet when they brought her in here. I just want to make sure she's okay. They thought it might have been because of that bump on her head...but until they ran some tests...they weren't going to know for sure. I'll feel a lot better once Dr. Hayes comes back out here and gives us an update." I explain.

Hopefully...I didn't worry them too much. But he was starting to pick up on my anxiety and he knew I was leaving something out of my earlier explanation.

He starts to ask another question but the door to Emily's room opens and Dr. Hayes comes out. We all rush over to her to ask her for an update and just as before...she holds her hand up anticipating the questions.

Shock And Aweजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें