Quick Update

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            I just wanted to post a quick update for everyone. First, I didn't abandon the story, and will hopefully be getting another chapter up soon. I apologize for the extremely long delay in posting another chapter, but unfortunately, it really could not be helped. Shortly after posting the last chapter, I became very sick. Odds are it was COVID, and I am just now starting to recover (though it is taking some time).

          For those of you that are still interested and wanting to read more, I look forward to hearing from all of you and reading your comments. Hopefully over the next few weeks, you will continue to bear with me as I work on the next few chapters, and please forgive any potential brain fog or typos as that is a distinct possibility (something I've noticed recently, along with the persistent fatigue and breathing issues that will not go away after all this time).

          I look forward to being able to start regularly updating again, but given it is just me typing and editing the story, it may be a little bit before I can do that regularly again. Just please be patient. If you are all still interested in the story, I will do my best to continue the story and complete it as I had originally intended.

          Thanks again for all the amazing compliments you all have posted and for everyone's support! I really appreciate it! Again, the next chapter should be up soon, and I hope you all enjoy it.  

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