Saving Emily

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A/N: Please note that other triggering content (self-harm and suicide will be discussed) throughout the story. Please be forewarned and take precautions if these are troubling for you.

***This is one of those chapters where it is discussed***

I just wanted to thank everyone for the reviews and votes. My muse and I both appreciate it. This is still, as of now, planned to be a fairly long, multi-part story, but if you all aren't into it...I'll wrap it up before too long.

And and votes keep me and my muse motivated...especially if they're positive!!!

***More drama and more secrets revealed***

I hope you enjoy this latest chapter...Now on with the show!!!


"Some people are just not meant to be in this world. It's just too much for them." ~ Phoebe Stone

"We all handle loss in our individual ways, grieve in all kinds of ways. We all go through feeling okay sometimes, but other times, we feel so bad we hurt ourselves or those around us." ~ E. Journey

Chapter 36

" did. Over the next few entire life blew up in my face. My parents found out that Lauren had been the one that led me to my father's doorstep. Isabella's brother Tom had a crush on Lauren and made a comment about seeing her in front of the house...something about hoping to bump into her again sometime. He thought it was harmless and didn't realize the damage it would end up doing. My parents fired her because of that and that made it difficult for me to contact her. Then I found out I was pregnant and realized that one stupid night that I couldn't even remember with John had led to that...and my parents found out about it too. Figures the one time my parents would be home would end up being when I was mid-morning sickness and they'd hear me getting sick. They knew I never got sick and figured it out pretty quickly. They insisted I get an abortion right away. They couldn't have their perfect teenage daughter end up knocked up...that would ruin their image. That's when I called you and told you what was going on." I glanced up sadly at Matthew.

"Yeah...I remember taking you to that clinic...but you changed your couldn't go through with it." Matthew replied.

"No...I couldn't. I knew all of the reasons I should...but I just couldn't. I also knew that I couldn't tell my parents that I hadn't or they would keep pressuring me to go through with when we got back to Rome...I let them believe I did."

"And that was when Lauren overheard you and your parents talking, wasn't it?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah...but I didn't realize that at the time. She had been to the house to see me and my parents told her I wasn't home. They thought she left but she stayed behind to see me. None of us realized she was there and she ended up overhearing me and my parents talking about it. John's parents had been there right before I got back and had argued with them about making a decision that affected their family too. My parents had to bribe Johns' parents into silence...they couldn't let my secret get out. Apparently, she must've heard that part too. I tried to talk to spend time with her once I got back from the clinic with you, but she was never home and never answered her phone. Then...I got a letter from her a week or so later telling me that her parents were offered a job back in the states and that they'd be moving in a few days. She told me that she wished me all the best and she hoped I had a wonderful future. The way she was in the letter was just so cold...almost bitter. I knew something was wrong...something had changed I tried to contact her. But whenever I tried calling...the phone just rang and no one would answer. I tried for almost a week to reach her by phone with no luck. I assumed she had already moved with her parents back to the states and that's when I told you that her and her parents had moved and it was probably for the best." I glance up at Matthew as I continue.

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