For What It's Worth

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A/N: Please note that other triggering content (self-harm and suicide will be discussed) throughout the story. Please be forewarned and take precautions if these are troubling for you.

A/N: Violence towards a primary character is mentioned/discussed in this chapter. Please be forewarned if that is troubling for you.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has continued to read, post comments, and offer feedback on this story, as well as put up with this ridiculously long delay in this story. Sorry about that. Life happened and things just got in the way of me working on this story for a while. Hopefully I will be able to get this story finished now, but please let me know that you are all still interested in the story. Comment on it and let me know what you think, and let me know if you are still interested so I will know to you all are still wanting me to finish this one. Thanks!!! If you do, I will update the rest of it as frequently as possible.

Thank you again for everyone who continues to comment and vote on this story...The positive reviews definitely help keep me and my stubborn muse keep them coming!

***More drama and more secrets revealed***

I hope you enjoy this latest chapter...Now on with the show!!!


"I'm scared to love you...but I'm even more scared of walking away." ~ Unknown

"You're not afraid to love you're just afraid of not being loved." ~ Unknown


For What It's Worth

" something wrong?" JJ asks...hesitation clear in her voice.

" Sorry...I just zoned out for a sec. I was just thinking about what you asked and I realized that we've never been on a real, like...'official' date." I answer softly, deflecting her question.

"Really? You were thinking about the two of us going an 'official' date?" JJ askes, quirking her eyebrows.

"Well, yeah. I mean...I don't have anything specific in mind. And, clearly it will have to wait until I am out of this place. But maybe you can think about what you would want to do for that or where you would want to go once I am a little better. We can get work on planning everything a little later...once you get back from seeing Henry tonight." I reply...again not directly answering her.

"Sure, that sounds okay. But I noticed you didn't answer the question I asked you." JJ replies...her voice trailing off to barely above a whisper, "unless you don't want to answer."

"No...that's not it." I firmly reply. That was kind of what I was doing, but I don't want admit that to her. I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her think I'm not interested in being with her. It's just complicated right now since I don't know how this surgery is going to turn out.

"I guess we are dating, even though we haven't actually been on an 'official' date. So saying I'm your girlfriend would make sense." I finally relent and answer. I don't want to hurt her feelings and given how many times we've kissed recently, and kissed in front of others, saying anything else would've seemed odd at this point.

JJ lifts her head, eyes going wider with a little twinkle in them "Really? Oh thank God. I was afraid you'd say no...or that you weren't ready or something. You won't regret this...I promise. I'm so happy right now..." JJ leans over and softly kisses my lips again...this time, lingering and sucking on my bottom lip a little. She playfully licks my bottom lip with her tongue, opening my mouth a little; she slides her tongue inside my mouth.

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