Time Marches On

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A/N: Please note that other triggering content (self-harm and suicide will be discussed) throughout the story. Please be forewarned and take precautions if these are troubling for you.

A/N: Violence towards a primary character is mentioned/discussed in this chapter. Please be forewarned if that is troubling for you.

I just wanted to thank everyone for the votes and reviews. My muse and I both appreciate it.

This is still, as of now, planned to be a fairly long, multi-part story, but if y'all aren't into it...I'll wrap it up soon.

And remember...reviews and votes keep me and my muse motivated...especially if they're positive!!!

***More drama and more secrets revealed***

I hope you enjoy this latest chapter...Now on with the show!!!


"The past cannot be cured." ~ Elizabeth I

"The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart." ~ St. Jerome


Chapter 47

After watching the doctor leave, I've been wracking my brain trying to remember what happened that would've put me here in this hospital bed...having apparently forgotten the past few days.

I keep getting flashes of what I think are memories...but I can't be sure. Though given what the doctor said about my injuries...I'm not entirely sure I really want to remember.

Everything I've got seems to hurt...and the discomfort and overall pain just keep increasing the longer I'm awake.

I can't help but stare at the bandages that are around my hips and pelvis and given how that area feels, and what the doctor told me, I was apparently assaulted...again...with some kind of knife or something like it.

I'm not sure why this keeps happening to me. Maybe I have some kind of sign on my forehead that lets people know that it's apparently fine to do that to me...like "no problem...help yourself".

That or I did something horrible to someone before and this is some form of payback or karma or something.

I guess I should be used to it by now.

I remember telling JJ I was broken before...guess this just proves my point.

Wait...when was it I told her that? That seems like it was something I just told her...but when? And why would I have told her something like that when we haven't exactly been having personal conversations recently.

God...I'm so confused right now.

Maybe Chance and Summer can fill in some of the blanks that I can't seem to piece together. And while they're at it...they can tell me why they're here in the first place instead of staying clear of my team like they're supposed to.

As long as Lucas is roaming around...it isn't safe for them to be out in the open. Unless those flashes I keep seeing with Lucas have something to do with me being here...and that's why they're here now.

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