Tangled Wires

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*** I wanted to apologize for the ridiculously long delay in posting this chapter (and the upcoming chapters) - I would go into everything that has happened since my last post, but it is just too much to go into and I am guessing you all are just interested in seeing where I take the story anyway...Hopefully, I can keep posting for a while and not have any more dramatic pauses for a while***

A/N: Please note that other triggering content (self-harm and suicide will be discussed) throughout the story. Please be forewarned and take precautions if these are troubling for you.

A/N: Violence towards a primary character is mentioned/discussed in this chapter. Please be forewarned if that is troubling for you.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has continued to read, post comments, and offer feedback on this story, as well as put up with the very long delay in getting this latest chapter up. The next couple of chapters may take a little bit of time as I am still trying to recover from COVID, and that is taking a little longer than I would prefer. That being said, as long as everyone is still interested in the story, I will continue to update as frequently as possible.

A/N: This chapter flips back and forth between JJ and Emily's POV.

Thank you again for everyone who continues to comment on this story...The positive reviews definitely help keep me and my stubborn muse motivated...so keep them coming!

***More drama and more secrets revealed***

I hope you enjoy this latest chapter...Now on with the show!!!


"I am not a thing to be owned, but a person to be loved." ~ Unknown

"I am not an object, I am not a thing, I am not something you can just use and discard." ~ Unknown


Chapter 68

"Can't think of anything right now", I playfully replied. "My brain is still a little foggy. Guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of head injuries". I offer a lopsided grin. "Maybe you could help out...since I'm guessing you have a few ideas that would probably work just fine with all of this mess" I wave the mess of wires around again for effect.

JJ offers a smirk in return, still playing along with our earlier banter. "Well, I don't want to injure you even more. Maybe I should just get goin'. I wouldn't want to add to that 'fogginess' you're experiencing" She smiled as she replied, using air quotes as she said 'fogginess'.

I watched as she slowly started to back away, but I quickly reached up in an attempt to grab lower on her shirt, accidentally hooking one of my fingers on the edge of her waistband instead. My coordination is a little off.

"JJ...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...I was reaching for your shirt...I..." I stammer my words, flustered by where my hand ended up and frustrated by my lack of coordination.

She smiled and blushed a little, but had stopped backing up instantly when she felt my fingers hooking onto the waistband of her jeans. She glanced down only briefly and then covered my hand with her own.

JJ, I suppose in an attempt to keep the conversation light, smiled lightly back at me and flashed me a quick wink, before softly replying "You don't need to apologize," JJ offered softly, "I don't mind at all. I guess that 'fogginess' you had a second ago must've cleared up a little," JJ continued with a little smirk.

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