"I'll see you around, Imogen." He gave me a cute smile, revealing his pearly white teeth, which caused some butterflies to erupt in my stomach. He had the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. My eyes traced his tall slender flame up to his sun-kissed blonde locks to go along with his blue eyes.

I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was just waiting outside the school like an idiot. I opened the blue school doors and walked into the hallway.

I went to my locker to grab my book for my first period. My entire body was completely drenched, causing my shoes to squeak. I received too many stares while walking in the hallway.

I was lucky enough not to have Drew here by his locker as well. I don't want him to see this, but oh, wait, the crush is gone. Drew? I don't know him. I don't think of him that much these days.

As I walked to my math class, I spent most of the time looking down at my wrist. Then, something completely unexpected happened; I scrubbed my wrist a few times, and out of nowhere, a name suddenly appeared.

"Lucas . . ." I whispered. "How?"

The name was supposed to be there since the day you were born. Why did it show up late, then? At least I could keep going, knowing I wouldn't vanish at any second. Am I the only person who had their soulmate appear later than their birthday? 

Usually, I would go with the window seat because admiring the nature outside always calmed my nerses. However, someone took my unassigned seat, leading me to sit in the chair closest to the window that was available. The rain was all clear right now, and I could see the sun peeking through the clouds. I spent most of the class wondering why his name appeared so late.

I got distracted by thoughts of his dreamy smile and kept replaying our first conversation in my head. I met the boy for one minute, and I already have a crush on him. How embarrassing! I was brutally interrupted from my thoughts when my teacher called my name.

"Miss Blake, stop staring out the window! Please move to the seat in between Kylie and Drew," he said, pointing at the desk between them.

"Huh!?" I jumped when he called my name, causing some students to laugh at me. As being all drenched wasn't enough. I gathered my stuff and hurried to the second to last seat in the third row.

"Hey Imogen," his lingering voice said behind me.

Calm down, Imogen. It's just Drew.

"Yes?" I whispered, feeling my stomach knotting up.

"Can you help me with my homework? I never get these math problems. Maybe you can come over to my house?" A slight chuckle escaped his lips while his hand was rubbing the back of his neck. His other hand was frantically tapping the pencil on his desk.

"Um, sure, Drew. Today?" I answered.

"Yeah, is that okay?" He said, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, of course. Just text me your address." I turned back around, feeling butterflies fooling around in my stomach. Why would he ask me to tutor him? I'm sure he had girls lining up to spend quality time with him.

I felt a sting on my wrist, my eyes flicking down to see 'Drew' had appeared on my other wrist. What? My eyes widened. My hands were shaking, causing me to drop my pencil on the floor. Quickly, I reached down for it, trying to divert any attention from myself. I have not one but two soulmates?! This was unheard of. No one has ever had two soulmates. At least, nobody that was known.

I decided I should visit Euphoria before going over to Drew's house. Maybe they made a mistake or there was a reason for it. During lunch, I checked online for the bus schedule. One bus was planned to arrive right as school ended, which was perfect.

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