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"Nooooo,stop that tickles." I laughed. Damon just came home from work and I'm guessing he was feeling a little touchy touchy.

"I love you." He said pinning my arms down on both sides of my body and kissing my face multiple times.

"I love you more." I said giving him a kiss on his nose.

"That's impossible." He said staring at my lips.

"Damonnnn. The kids are Down stairs." I warned with a smile.

"Sooooo, you worry to much." He said kissing my neck.

I jolted up from the bed, touching my face and my neck. Was that a dream because it sure as hell felt real. I cannot believe I had a dream of damon kissing my neck. I wonder if he has these dreams as well. I can't believe I dreamt that I had kids... With him!

"Heyyy." Someone said from beside me.

"Holy shit! You scared the hell out of me Tom." I said getting off the floor, since he scared me so bad that I fell on the ground.

"I was checking to see if you were okay." He said nervously.

"By laying on my bed... And watching my while I'm asleep?" I asked with a confused expression.

"You need to leave." I said.

"Why are you denying what we have." He said sternly and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Tell me exactly, what is it we have?" I Asked with an amused expression.

"You know, and I know that we both have feelings for each other." He said slowly.

"Feelings? I never heard of that word before." I said with a smirk.

"How come you didn't kill me then. All the shit that I've done to you and you wouldn't kill me. You're like the queen of revenge." He said with a serious expression.

"That's true." I said nodding at his last comment.

"Well, do you want me to kill you?" I asked inching closer to him.

"Because that could be arranged." I said releasing my fangs.

He grabbed me by my wrists.

"Stop pretending like your going to hurt me." He said slowly. His face was literally inches away from mine.

"Get out of my face." I struggled to say because of our close proximity.

"Let me kiss you." He said. But I didn't even answer. He gave me a small peck on the lips then his gaze met my mines.

"See, I don't feel anything." I said pushing his body off of mines I rushed in the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, washed my face and curled my hair. When i came out the bathroom Tom was not there I rushed in my closet and threw on a cute but simple outfit. Then I headed downstairs.

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