[____] hid her face from second hand embarrassment, she opened up her notebook and practically inhaled the pages off while feeling as if others were staring at her and not the two loud guys she ended up sitting in between.

"Sorry, teach..." Kaminari smiled, finally apologizing for disrupting class for the ten thousandth time that semester.

"As I was saying." Aizawa cleared his throat. "Mark your planners. Once winter break is finally over, you will be doing mandatory community service.

You may already know it, but just in case you forgot: since you are opting to become heroes. You will need to finish at least 200 hours of services to graduate. Since you are first years, we are only making it a requirement to finish 100 now.

If you do more than that, then great. If not, then... you should." He struggled to sound more uplifting than threatening as he said it.

"Aizawa-sensei! I have a question!!" Ashido was the first person to stand up from her desk and raise her hand, not allowing him to at least nod before she blurted out. "What type of community service are we going to do?!"

"Yeah, I wonder if we'll be working with the pros or not..." — "Will it be like regular high school services?" — "He said something about us getting more hours because we're studying to become heroes..."

Whispers emerged the classroom, and [____] was finally able to put her notebook down and look around her. The expressions her classmates wore were a mix of thrill and daunted.

"Great question, Ashido. Now sit down and wait to be called on to, next time.."

"Yeeees, sir!"

Again, the class quieted down for their teacher to continue. "This all depends on your test scores. Pro agencies will be watching you. Much like the sports festival, they'll be scouting you but not for you power rather how well you work among others.

That is the whole point of the combat exam, this time. I'm hoping at least half of you will end up watching over the districts with the pro heroes. Just in case they don't vouch for you, though, your community services will be up to you.

Teachers will be pinning different sign up sheets next to their classes and you may choose where to volunteer your hours. Choose wisely, though...Because you can only sign up to one."

'Why does he sound so scary when he gives us advice?' [____] thought just as he directed his attention to her.

"Amachi, you received your hero costume this morning. It's located in your locker. Make sure you wear it for today's exam. No gym uniform for anybody in class A."

"Right!" [____] perked up after hearing this.

"Now, on to the basic rules of the combat exam. Before we head over to the arena, you guys will have to walk in a straight line to the..."


"Todoroki! Can we talk, please?!" [____] almost sounded desperate as she rushed to catch up with her classmate before they all headed to the locker rooms to pick up their stuff.

It was apparent that the classes were going to take a school bus to a sports arena for this event; granted that there was camera men waiting to go live pretty soon, the classmates didn't have much time to hang out.

They were supposed to get their costumes and meet in the front of the school with their teachers; Shoto would usually take his time to do things like this but after seeing [____] run up to him; he knew they were going to waste it if they spoke. "[____], we have to get our stuff. Can we talk later?"

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