60||a bloody deal||綿毛||

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vampires. the most feared creatures in the land. no one dared to step up to a vampire. I mean who would?

vampire hunters? they were killed off years ago.

werewolves? they never really existed.

humans? that's a suicide mission.

most vampires had enough common sense to not fuck with the humans. even though they could kill them, they weren't savages like they used to be. so for the most part, humans and vampires were on pretty good terms.

that was till bakugou came along.

bakugou's p.o.v

"holy shit that's nasty!" I shouted and threw the dead bird across the field. "is that what blood taste like?" I wiped the leftover blood from my chin on the back of my hand.

from the corner of my eye, I could see my mother shaking her head. "no katsuki. human blood tastes different from wild animal blood." she sassed.

I grumbled lowly as I stomped into the woods. "human blood tastes different from animal blood," I mocked, "well I've never had human blood, mOm!...old hag."


the crunch from a leave came from behind me. I whipped my head around but saw nothing. "fucken animals." I muttered.

my face started to heat up and my head grew foggy. "shit...my heat."

I tried to walk back to my house but fell right on my face with one step. knocking me out cold.

time skip

I woke up with a pounding headache and what felt to be cold handcuffs on my wrist.

"what the fuck..?" I muttered tiredly. "whoever fucken kidnapped me is gonna fucken die!"

the sweet smell of human blood entered my nose, calming me down but making me crave it like never before.

I clicked my tongue with a smirk, "so a petty human kidnapped me, huh? just let me go, and I won't suck your blood." lying was my best option if I wanted to get a first taste of the sweet red liquid.

"yeah you're not very convincing." a surprisingly sweet and adorable rang in my ears. "most vampires drink human blood. the ones that don't die when there ten thousand."

a cute redhead stepped from what it looked like to be a bedroom. he's definitely human.

"How could such a cutie like you kidnapped someone as threatening as me~" I purred, trying to lure him in with my natural smell.

he crossed his arms with an unamused face. "you've never had your first drink of human blood." he stated.

my eyes went wide as I huffed. "and how the hell would you know?" I asked.

"you're bakugou katsuki. my mother and father were friends with your parents until your father killed my parents," he snickered, "ever since then, I've been watching you. I want you to suffer like my parents did."

I raised one eyebrow. "so what are you planning to do to me, exactly?"

"I'm glad you asked! I'm going to-" he looked up to see that I was floating above him with a tired expression

"yeah you're not going to do anything." i floated down so i was in front of him. "if i wasn't a complete asshole, i would have killed you by now. but you're cute so I'll spare you."

his eyes winded and a blush grew on his face. "s-shut up! you're nothing but a blood-sucking monster!" he shouted.

"well fuck you too, then!" i shouted back.

i landed on both of my feet on the ground, glaring at him the whole time. i stomped over to the door, swinging it open and getting the hell out of there as fast as i could.

Kirishima p.o.v

i watched sadly as the vampire left. i didn't mean any of the things i said. a part of me wanted revenge for my parents but another part of me just wanted him as mine.

yeah, a human wanting a vampire. never heard that one before.

my heart dropped as i couldn't hear his boots crunching the leaves anymore. "fuck." i sighed.

i went back to my bedroom to grab something that always cheers me up when im sad. my guitar. it was my mother before she died. still i perfect condition too.

my feet tapped as i started to play;

Father forgive me for you know that I am always sinning
I take no interest partying with liquor, fucking up my system
Excuse my language that's a hang-up on how shitty I've been feeling
I'm sorry I feel no attraction, I know that it's been a minute
Cause I've been solo, for so long
Ooh, oh, yeah
Cause I've been solo, for so long
Ooh, oh, yeah...

slow claps came from behind me. "you're...really good." bakugou complemented, floating himself over to me and sitting on my desk with his legs crossed.

i looked away with a blush, still mad at myself for saying those things to him. "t-thanks..."

even though my back was facing him, i could hear him hop of my desk and walk over to me. "hey...i know we have our defences and i'm sorry for what my father did but...would...you like to go out...sometime?" he stuttered.

i looked back with a huge blush and wide eyes. "m-me!? after everything i said to you?"

"Listen let's start over," he said. bakugou held out one of his hands with the other on the back of his neck, "I'm bakugou katsuki. you are..."

i giggled slightly and took his hand. "kirishima...kirishima eijiro. nice to meet you." he smiled.

"now, he began, "would you like to go out with me?" he chuckled nervously.

"hehe, i would love to."
hello everyone, i'm back.
how was my boyfriend? i saw his chapters and...i'm sorry for him exposing our sex life like that lol. even though i did first.

anyway fun fact about Oliver, his canine teeth are so sharp that he can actually pierce my skin without any force. i have marks to prove it lmao.

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