45||demon boyfriend||pt.3||綿毛||

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Katsuki hummed happily as he brushed my now jet black hair. "You should really keep it this colour, puddin." He said, putting my hair up and turning on the razor.

He has been cutting for the last three years we've been together. I'm nineteen and he's eighteen. We've been on the run for almost four years but the cops kinda gave up after the first two.

"You think so? I might dye it back red." I teased. He liked my red hair but he preferred my black hair. He brushed off the access hair from my shoulders and neck then jumped in my lap. "No! I love your black hair!" He whined.

I smiled and rubbed his bareback. He had on a tight black tank top with the back cut open with black spandex shorts. Per my request. "You're so pretty, sweetheart~," I said, pecking his face and neck softly. He giggled softly, nuzzling his head into my neck.

Never would I ever think about giving up or hurting this boy for anything. We may be the most wanted criminals in Japan right now but I'll gladly die hand in hand with him.

Today was a lazy day in our manor. After we ran away from the cops, Katsuki had us go to one of his mother's houses on the beach. It was quite big. Four bedrooms, two offices, five bathrooms, a theatre room, a gym, a weapon room, a huge pool, and a playroom for the both of us.

"We really shouldn't have killed the maid." I groaned, walking into the playroom. It was covered in blood, guts, and body parts. "Yeah, I didn't mean to shoot him. He should have kept his hands to himself." Katsuki smirked, twirling his gun.

Katsuki can be scarier than me sometimes. When someone fucks with something of his, aka me, he will have no problem with killing them. No one fucks with me but may God have mercy on anyone that fucks with Katsuki.

I went into my office to take care of my newly found drug company, Katsuki following close behind. "Is there something you need, darling," I asked, putting up my freshly cut hair.

Kat pushed me into my chair and then sat in my lap. "Let's go do something! I'm bored!" He whined, kissing my neck. I love spoiling him but I kinda just wanted to get some work done. "I have work, honey." Katsuki whined again, "Please! You've been working all week."

Have I? I never really realised. "In that case, fine. What would you like to do?" I asked. Kat squealed and turned in my lap so his back was facing me and he was facing my computer. I laid my chin on his shoulder and watched as he typed something into the computer.

A website came up that looked to be a business that did tattoos piercings. Kat propped his elbows on my desk so his ass so basically rubbing against my hips. He started to talk but I just stared at his ass, rubbing it softly.

"Ei, darling. That feels wonderful but are you listening to me?" Kat asked looking back at me. I shook my head with a smirk, "Nope. Not at all." He groaned and got up, "My friend, two-face, does tattoos and shit. I want one." He pointed to the computer that read 'two face tattoos' at the top.

I rolled my eyes but gave in. "What's his real name, baby?" I asked, going to our shared bedroom. Kat groaned, "Didn't you hear me you crazy fuck!?" When someone doesn't listen to Katsuki, he gets an attitude or starts shooting up the place. I don't like that.

He continued to whine about me not listening to him, it was getting on my nerves. I growled and quickly walked back to where he was standing. I grabbed him by the throat and leaned towards his ear that was now covered in piercings. "I run this show. Got it!" More of a statement then a question but he seemed to understand with the smug smirk on his face.

I dropped him, walking back to our closet. I pulled out my purple leather trench coat with some black dress pants. "Goin' shirtless today, Puddin?" Kat giggled putting on his tight blue jeans and black jacket. I nodded, wrapping my arm around his waist.

When walking out of the manor, I leaned back a bit to get a good look at his ass. "Look how perfect you look~" I purred, spinning him around. Kat giggled and walked out the door, "come on! we don't have all day ya know." I nodded, opening the car door for him. He pecked my lips and started playing on his phone as we drove to our friend two face's tattoo place.

Me and Kat have been friends with two face for about five years. Me and two face used to hang out together because we basically lived the same life with our fathers being such assholes. His real name is Todoroki Shoto. His dad was the number two cop and was not happy about it. After a serious fight with his mum, she poured boiling hot water on his face that only covers his left eye. He dyed his hair red and white for the hell of it too.

After that, he kinda went crazy like me and Kat and now goes by 'two-face.' Ironic, I know.

We pulled up to the strangely innocent looking building and Kat jumped out the car, skipping to the entice like a little girl. "come on, pudding! I wanna see if hafty still remembers us!" I waved him off and followed close behind. still not completely trusting this idea.

"well I be damned," kat said, looking over to a green-haired boy with plants tattooed all over his body. "Kachan. How nice to see you." Izuku went crazy after he was torchered by Todoroki for two months. but he did go pyshco crazy. He went stoic, sociopath crazy.

He used to be super happy and bubbly then todoroki got his hands on him and Izuku developed Stockholm syndrome. So now their dating. I guess you could say the same thing happened to me and Katsuki.

They talked about Kat getting his tattoo and among other things as I looked around the shop. "you must be Ei. correct?" a voice said from behind me. I whipped my head around with my gun pointing to whoever dared to sneak up on me.

It was Todoroki but he had the same idea. He had a gun pointing directly at me. Ready to kill each other at any moment, I laughed, "Oh look who it is! good old two face!"

He rolled his eyes and lowered his gun, Kat skipped over to me, wrapping his arms around my neck. "Look Puddin!" He stuck out his tongue to show me a green tongue ball then pointed to his cheek to show me a black heart tattooed on his face. I drooled, "They look lovely, honey."

Kat smiled happily then looked back to his green-haired friend, "Thanks a bunch Ivy!" I waved to the couple and followed Kat out. "Is that all you got?" I asked, stepping on the gas, I was tired. Kat smirked and pulled his jeans down a bit to show a red and black diamond tattooed on his thigh.

I smiled and rubbed the inside of his thigh since I knew it was so sensitive. He moaned loudly to tease me but I wasn't having it. I pulled my hand away and parked the car. "No puddin! I'm sorry, I won't do it again!" He begged. I shook my hand and made my way to the bedroom.

He whined but soon relished I wasn't changing my mind anytime soon. "Get dressed for bed darling," I said, taking off my coat and pants. Kat huffed but did as told. He put on a pair of black laced panties with one of my shirts. "Fucken tease," I muttered.

"I may tease you but you love me." Kat sassed as he climbed on top of me. I rested my right hand on his lower back and my other on his thigh. "True true. I could never get tired of you"

"I love you, Kat."

"I love you too, Puddin."

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