Volume 7 Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Ruby: Tired...

Qrow: James... what have you been doing?

The camera cuts to Atlesian robots patrolling the streets with citizens avoiding them. And then, a robotic drone flies past 2 kids sitting in an alleyway, and as it passes by, a kid chucks a rock at it before hiding..

Weiss: This isn't right, none of this is right.

The radio turns back on again.

Atlas Air Control: 5-1 we've noticed a detour on your route. You are to make your way to docking bay Omega 12 immediately. Do you copy? Over.

Maria: We're kind of running out of time here kids..

Yang: We need to ditch the ship.

Qrow: Agreed. Get lost in Mantle and buy ourselves some time.

Weiss: I'm telling you, my sister can take us to Ironwood.

Blake: Uh... Weiss?

Weiss walks over to Blake and looks at what Blake is looking at only to grow a confused look.

Winter is shown in the billboard, with a stern look on her face.

Winter: A reminder, failure to cooperate with Atlas military personnel is a punishable offence. If your sector is under lockdown...

Weiss: Winter?

Qrow: No offence Weiss. I'm not sure that's a good idea anymore.

Weiss: There's obviously something very wrong. If we can just talk to her..

Qrow: Look, I'm not even sure we should be talking to Ironwood until we know exactly what's going on with Mantle.

Weiss: But...

Maria: Everyone, calm down. (sigh) I know someone who can help with both.

The radio turn on again.

Atlas Air Control: Manta 5-1! You are to make your-

The radio gets destroyed by a small lightning bolt as everyone turns to Onyx doing a gun symbol with his right hand, with lightning sparking out of his index finger.

Onyx: That lady can't take a fucking hint...

The airship speeds out of screen once again.

(scene change)

The group are now shown walking in the city.

Everyone but Maria observe the ominously quiet city.

Maria: Come on now! Hurry! It shouldn't be much of a walk.

Jaune: (to Weiss and Kelly) Is this many soldiers... normal?

Weiss: No... at least... I didn't think so...

Yang looks over at a small drone looking at her before continuing walking with the group. The drone continues following her as she stops once again. The drone suddenly takes a picture of her as she annoyingly kicks the drone onto the road. It groggily gets back up before getting run over by a truck.

Yang: Oof.

Yang looks over to the group, who looks at her weirdly, except Onyx who just shrugs.

Yang: (rubs the back of her head and smiles) Maybe we should pick up the pace.

The group turns around and continues walking.

Onyx: ("Imagine if I did that to Cardin when we were still in Beacon.")

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