Chapter 180

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Important A/N: Hey guys I will not be updating next week because of my best friend coming over to stay for the week. I hope you all understand. 

We all arrived in Ninjago City, but by the people's reactions to Skylor and Garmadon, something told you they haven't attacked yet. 

'' If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked? '' Garmadon shouted. 

'' We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone. Everyone else, stick together and watch over the people. '' Lloyd told everyone And everyone began to spread throughout the city.


You and the ninja arrived at the Samurai X cave and was greeted by Sensei Wu and Misako. Wu was currently occupied with Zane so he didn't notice Garmadon or Skylor. 

'' But where's your father? '' Misako asked Lloyd. 

'' It's me, Misako. '' Garmadon said and people took a step back so she could see him when she did she gasped. 

'' Don't worry. We have a reason to believe the spell may be wearing off. '' Skylor explained. 

'' But if that's true, it only makes Chen more desperate to act now. Everyone, this is Skylor, Chen's daughter. '' Kai introduced Skylor to Misako and Wu.

'' You're amongst friends, Skylor. '' Misako assured Skylor. You saw Garmadon talk to Wu but you couldn't hear what they were saying. 

'' There isn't much time. Our friends are on standby but we don't know where Chen will strike first. '' Lloyd explained. 

'' And if we're not all there to stop him when he first attacks... '' Cole said. 

'' Ninjago will succumb to war. Our greatest fear will come true. '' Garmadon continued. 

'' Then the greatest victory will be that which has no battle. '' Sensei Wu said. 

'' But how do we prevent a war? How do we stop an enemy we know so little about? '' Jay asked. 

Then the Falcon landed on the screen in front of us all and a picture of Kryptarium prison was showed. 

'' We find someone who does. '' Sensei wu said. 

We all summoned our elemental dragons and flew straight towards Krytarium prison to visit an old friend. 


We finally arrived at Krytarium prison, to be honest, you didn't like it very much. 

'' Home of Ninjago's worst of the worst. '' garmadon stated. 

'' I don't get it. Who's gonna help us here? '' Cole asked. 

'' Let's just say that I have some personal business with him,'' you spoke. You knew exactly why you were here, and you weren't happy about it. 

The guard let us all inside and soon we were in the center of all the prisoners. We met some old foes including captain Soto. 

'' Pajama Men! '' Soto shouted and pointed at us. 

'' Easy, Soto. I'm the captain of this ship. Haha. Ninja ain't popular around these parts, considering you put most of them behind bars, hmm. But who you're looking for, he hates Ninja the most. Last cell on the left. '' Noble pointed to a glass cell. 

As we entered you heard Pythor speaking to himself. 

'' We need your help. '' Lloyd said and scared the living soul out of Pythor. 

'' Help you? The Ninja? You fed me to the , defeated every army I've aligned with, even forced me to swallow your shrinking pill! Haven't you done enough damage to my diminishing ego? '' Pythor shouted with his squeaking voice. Then, Cole turned the little dollhouse. 

'' Well played. I suppose this is about that culturally insensitive noodle baron and his ilk that are now Anacondrai. Imposters, if you ask me. '' Pythor snapped. 

'' You are the last remaining Anacondrai. You must know how to stop them. '' Jay spoke.

'' I'm not going to say another word until you can figure out how to make me big. And don't ask me to trust a Ninja. '' Pythor denied and turned his back to us. 

' That's it ' You thought and took a step toward Pythor to beat his tiny snake butt. But before you could Lloyd stopped and held you back. Just the bare feeling of his touch made you relax again. 

'' Thanks,'' you muttered.

'' You're welcome, don't let him get to you. '' Lloyd whispered in your ear. 

You watch as Garmadon made a deal with Pythor so you didn't notice Zane leaving. 


'' Then you get the spellbook and I'll tell you their weakness and then- '' Pythor was discussing his plan with Garmadon, but he was suddenly cut off by the speaker. 

'' There's been a breach in Sector 2! They appear to be Anacondrai and—uh-oh, they're coming my way. They see me talking on the intercom. Oh, boy, here they come. Why am I still talking on this thing? '' The person over the intercom panicked. 

'' You led them to me? What have you done? There's no escaping an Anacondrai! '' Pythor began to panic. 

'' Tell me! How do we stop them? What is their weakness? '' Garmadon shouted. 

'' Don't you get it? There is no weakness! They're Anacondrai! '' Pythor shouted at Garmadon. 

'' Guys, we've got company. '' Kai said and got ready to fight. 

'' I'll handle this. Earth! '' Cole said and began fighting the two Anacondrai. Even though he sent heavy stones after them, they just dodged them and dented some bar cells. 

'' We're trying to keep the inmates in, not let them out! '' Jay shouted at Cole. Cole, Jay and, Kai began fighting the Anacondrai. 

Garmadon grabbed Pythor and some venom dropped on his arm turning it back into Anacondrai. 

'' Your hand. That may be why they've come for Pythor. What if he holds the key to making their transformation permanent? '' Zane remarked. 

'' That's why Chen hasn't attacked. '' Sensei Wu said. 

'' Then we have to get him out of here. If he's the key to preventing war, we can't let him fall into the wrong hands. Literally. '' Lloyd Joked. to be honest, you wanted to laugh, but the situation wasn't good. 

'' Oh, I get it. It's literal because of my size. Haha, very funny. But I'm a little sensitive to all the size references. '' Pythor replied. 

'' Oh get used to it, '' you said and crossed your arms. 

'' A little sensitive? '' Garmadon questioned. 

'' Okay, I stepped right into that one. '' Pythor admitted. Zane went to help the other ninja, but soon an alarm sounded. 

'' Kryptarium's on lockdown. If we don't find a way out, we may never escape. '' Garmadon said and let us through the door before it closed. You felt guilty for leaving the others behind, but there was nothing you could do about the lockdown. 

You, Lloyd, Garmadon, Sensei Wu and, Pythor escaped into a courtyard of some sort. Then you noticed you were all surrounded by Anacondrai. 

'' Uh, guys... We've got company, '' you said and looked around you. 

'' Again I say...cowards. '' Pythor muttered as he hid in Lloyd's hand. 

'' Protect Pythor. '' Sensei Wu told us. 

'' Ninja Go! '' We both shouted and spun while hitting the Anacondrai.  

'' Uh, I lost him! '' Lloyd shouted. 

'' What?! '' You shouted and began looking for Pythor. 

'' What do you mean you lost him? Find him! '' Garmadon shouted. But then, Lloyd was grabbed by an Anacondrai. 

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